CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Being Influential to Peers

Suggested Strategy: Use Third-Party Questions to help the employee

think outside themselves and see the perspective of their peers.

Suggested Questions:

→ Third-Party Question: If we were to ask your peers how they would

describe your influence on them, what do you think they might say?

→ Success Imperative: How do you think you might be able to use your

influence to help the team become its most successful version of itself?

Suggested Activities:

→ Brainstorming: Discuss with the employee the ways that they believe

they might have influence on their peers. In what ways can they use

positive influence in those situations to help the team as well as the

employee as successful as they can be? Where do they think the line

might be in going too far in using their influence?

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Tangible Successes: Assign your coaching target to come back to

your next coaching session with three examples of ways where they

used their influence on their peers in a positive way. What specific

actions did they take in that situation to use their influence


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