Creating Solutions as a Team
Suggested Strategy: In a group coaching setting, have the members of
the team partner up and work together to create solutions to example
situations that you provide. Use a Rating Question to bring the team’s
awareness to their current abilities.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to
six, with six representing a flawless
ability to create solutions together as
teammates, and one representing that
we do not work together to create
solutions to issues, where would you rate
our team and why?
→ Success Imperative: What actions could we take as a team to become
successful in creating solutions together seamlessly?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, ask the
members of the team to share with you the actions that they currently
take to work with their peers when problems arise. On the right side of
the board, have the team create their definition for what it ideally looks
like to work together as a team to create solutions. Then, erase the left
side of the board and write down the actions that the team is willing to
take to reach that definition on the right side of the board.
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