CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Taking on Conflict

Suggested Strategy: Ignore controversial topics that are critical to

team success, as this manifests in wasted time, energy, and office

politics. Reframe focus of the team’s attention by redirecting

mechanisms for discussion. As someone in a leadership position,

lead by example and restrain when people engage in conflict. Use

real time permission and foster relationships among teammates.

Suggested Questions:

→ Risk Questions: What risks do we assume if we don’t change the way

we address conflict as a group?

→ Permission-Based Question: In a workplace culture that has built up

resistance and reluctance to discuss critical conversations, helping lower

that guard is essential to having success when it comes to the

subject of conflict. Use a question like, “With your permission, I’d like to

gain everyone’s commitment to making a positive change by taking on

conflict head on.”

Suggested Activities:

→ GOAL-Based Coaching: This tool is especially helpful when beginning

the transition from the status quo to the goal of working together to

address conflict openly and honestly. As a team, come upwith these

goals to make sure everyone has an equal stake in the process.

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