CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign each person on the team to meet with

a new peer each week as a check-in on how they are doing with the new

practices put into place. What did their peers need to adjust to include

the entire definition of the expectations for team development in their

daily practices? How do their strategies differ? Each person should

email the team to share what their peer is doing well and how they are

finding success.

→ Journal-Based Coaching: As each person on the team is putting the

defined expectations of team development into practice with their own

teams, ask them to keep journals with entries noting their successes in

this endeavor. What strategies did they take to create those

successes, and what might they still be struggling with?

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Observational Coaching: Ask team members to observe their peers

as they interact with their own teams. What strategies do their peers

take to develop their teams that they would not have thought to put into

practice themselves? What are their peers truly succeeding at

accomplishing as they develop their teams?

→ Non-Verbal Coaching: As you observe actions taken by individuals on

your team to develop their own teams based on the definition discussed

at the beginning of your coaching session, leave handwritten notes at

their workstations sharing with them the specific actions that you have

observed and how those actions are appreciated.

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