Efficiency in the Workday
Suggested Strategy: Utilize a Define & Coach question to ensure that the
individual understands the expectations that go along with efficiency in
the workday, followed by a Present & Respond question to help the
individual think positively about their improvement and the steps they
will take to get there.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: How do you think you would specifically define what
it looks like to be efficient in the workday?
→ Present & Respond: Hypothetically, if I were to
present to you that you need to improve your
efficiency in the workday, how do you think you
would positively respond to that?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What actions do you
think you would take in response to that feedback?
Suggested Activities:
→ Teach Me: Have the individual walk you through five
ways in which they will take action to be more
efficient in their workday. What are the specific
strategies that they could implement in becoming
more efficient?
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