No Time to Coach
Suggested Strategy: Focus on the risks involved with not coaching
their direct reports and the idea that coaching doesn’t have to take
too much time out of their day.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being you are
confident in your ability to coach your employees, and one being you
terrified of coaching, where would you rate yourself and why? What
actions can we take together to help you reach a six?
→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might assume by not
taking the time to coach your direct reports? How might those risks
translate to the people you could be coaching?
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play: Have a practice coaching conversation and time it. The
conversation should take about 8-12 minutes. If the manager can take
that time once per week, starting with just one of their direct reports,
they can see how coaching doesn’t take much time at all.
→ Brainstorming: Make a list together of some supplemental coaching
strategies that can be used where the manager doesn’t even have to be
present for the coaching to take effect.
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