Proactive Scheduling
Suggested Strategy: Use a Define & Coach strategy to ensure that you
and the individual you are coaching are operating under the same
expectations of utilizing proactive scheduling in their daily routine.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When thinking about utilizing proactive scheduling in
your daily routine, how might you define what that looks like?
→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might mitigate by utilizing
that definition in your daily routine?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: Ask the individual to describe to you their
current daily strategy for managing their calendar and write that
description on the left side of a whiteboard. On the right side of the
board, write down how the individual what properly utilizing proactive
scheduling ideally looks like for calendar management. Then, erase the
left side of the board and write down a strategy that you and the
individual create together for them to take in reaching the description on
the right side of the board.
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