Suggested Strategy: Use a Permission-Based Question
along with The Sword to open the individual up themselves
to coaching and feedback.This will help with the individual
not becoming defensive because they allowed for you to
share observations and perceptions with them. Use the
five words: we , share , opportunity , perspective , and
observation in your conversation to take the edge off the
Suggested Questions:
→ Permission-Based Question + The Sword: With your
permission, and so that I don’t make assumptions because that would
be unfair to you, I would like to share some observations that I feel could
provide us an opportunity for growth in your relationships with your
peers. (When permission is granted) It is my perspective that you may
choose not to be authentic in your relationships with your peers and I
feel that there may be an opportunity for growth.
→ Reflective Question: I don’t want you to answer right away, take some
time to think about it while I go get us some coffee/use the
restroom/grab some water (whichever you would like to use), but while
I’m out I would like you to think about why you may hesitate to be 100%
authentic with the team.
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