→ Whiteboard Coaching: Using the discussion from Define & Coach,
use the whiteboard to drill down the behaviors and skills necessary to
have successful team building activities. On the left-hand side of the
board, write down how the team describes their current teambuilding
capabilities, on the right, have them describe their ideal team building
capabilities. Then, erase the left-hand side of the board and have
them discuss how to make the right side a reality.
Suggested Learning Projects:
→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: To help with team building dynamics, use
peer-to-peer relationships to help foster what you discuss during the
questions and learning projects sections. To set up these peer
relationships, pair employees with others that you feel can challenge
them in a constructive way or bring them out of their shells with the
team. Simply providing a peer mentorship opportunity gives your
employees a chance to have their opinions heard.
Supplemental Coaching Strategies:
→ Non-Verbal Coaching: Leave them a hand-written note on their desk
when you observe improvement in their team building capabilities. This
will be an easy task when you observe them throughout the week. Make
sure your note is specific and descriptive.
→ Team Lunch: After a few weeks, treat the team to either a group lunch
day, team meeting outside, or something that gets people to think
outside of the box. Rewards can go a long way beyond the simple act.
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