CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Activities:

→ Demo Me + The Sword: “ Just so I don’t make assumptions with your

active listening skills, could you demo me any appropriate responses

and behaviors that take place in an active listening situation? ” Use that

activity to highlight any areas that need improvement and have the

employee keep track through their learning project. (See below).

→ Observational Coaching: Have the team observe a teammate that

demonstrates great active listening throughout the week and journal how

it interacts with their job responsibilities. Then, have the employee make

note in their journal two things that they did well that reflect your

discussion from the demo me activity, one thing they would do

differently, and any questions they have.

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Tangible Successes: Ask your coaching target to come back to your

next coaching session with three examples of specific situations where

they successfully implemented active listening to build trust in a

relationship with a peer. How will their actions lead to a trusting and

lasting positive relationship in the long run?

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Non-Verbal Coaching: Leave your coaching target a hand-written note

on their desk when you observe improvement in active listening. This

will be an easy task when you observe them throughout the week. Make

sure your note is specific and descriptive.

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