CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Cross-Departmental Trust

Suggested Strategy: Utilize a GOAL-Based Coaching strategy to help the

individual realize how trusting other departments can help them reach

their goals within their own department.

Suggested Questions:

→ Third-Party Question: If we were to ask your teammates how they

would describe your relationships with other departments, what do you

think they might say?

→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might assume by not

developing the ability to trust and work with other departments?

→ Success Imperative: How might trusting other departments to

complete tasks help you in becoming successful and reaching your


Suggested Activities:

→ GOAL-Based Coaching: What does this employee strive to become

Great at? What Opportunities might be afforded to them by becoming

great? What Actions must the employee take to become more trusting

of other departments to bring those opportunities within reach? What

will the employee Love about reaching their goals?

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