CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

→ Brainstorming: Create a list of scenarios with the employee where

they would benefit most from trusting another department. What

actions would the employee need to take in those situations to create

an efficient and collaborative relationship with someone in another

department to complete the task at hand?

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Ask the individual to meet with a new peer

weekly to discuss their strategies for working with other departments.

How does their peers having trust in other departments benefit this

department? The individual you are coaching should email you after

each conversation with their peer with one takeaway that they will put

into practice on their own when learning to trust other departments.

→ Journal-Based Coaching: Assign your coaching target to keep a

running journal in the coming weeks with entries noting times where they

felt uncomfortable in trusting another department. Where was the lack of

trust stemming from? What could the individual do in that situation to

build the trust they have in that department? Discuss their journal entries

at your next coaching session.

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Non-Verbal Coaching: Leave the employee a hand-written note at

their workstation when you observe actions taken by them to trust other

departments. Be specific in sharing the efforts you had observed and

how their efforts are appreciated by both you and the team.

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