CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Personality Assessments to Foster Team Trust

Suggested Strategy: Personality tests can be a double-edged sword -

they can serve as helpful tools to understand each other, or they can

serve as wedges that can drive people apart after they’re put into boxes.

Use these tools to serve as a conversation piece to build trust as a team

and highlight any potential mental blocks teammates have with each


Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being you

understand your teammates personalities and how they interact with

trust, and one being you don’t see the connection between personalities

and team trust, where would you rate yourself and why? What Activities

or Learning Projects would facilitate better understanding?

→ Risk Question: What risk do we, as a team, have by not understanding

each other’s personalities better?

Suggested Activities:

→ Define & Coach: For everyone to be on the same page with using

personality assessments for the better, have your employees define

what a personality test is and how they think it can benefit the team.

Then, use that as a tool to coach to their definitions, or lack thereof, and

discuss the benefits and pitfalls of relying on personality tests.

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