CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Cultivating Existing Member Relationships

Suggested Strategy: Help this representative in their comfortability with

their book of business while bringing awareness to the improvements

that you would like to see being made.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being maximum effort, and one representing that it may fall by the wayside often, where

would you rate your work on your book of business? What actions do

you think we could take together to help you reach a six?

→ Risk Question : What risks do you think you might assume by not applying maximum effort into your book of business?

Suggested Activities:

→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, write down the description

that this representative would currently give

to their work on their book of business. On

the right side of the board, write down how

they would ideally like to describe their

work on their book of business. Erase the

left side of the board and write down the

actions that the representative is willing to

take to reach the description on the right

side of the board.

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