Representative Lacks Urgency in Following Up on Teller Referrals
Suggested Strategy: Implement Third-Party Coaching by focusing on the
effect that their actions might have on others; giving the representative
a frame of reference regarding how improvement could benefit both
themselves and the team.
Suggested Questions:
→ Third-Party Question: How do you think you peers would
respond when asked about the
way you follow through with
referrals sent to you?
→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you assume when you
do not follow through on referrals
from your teammates?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, write down how the representative thinks that their peers would currently describe
the way they follow through with referrals from their peers. On the right
side of the board, write down how this person would ideally like to be
described by their peers regarding referrals. Erase the left side of the
board and write down the actions that the representative is committed
to taking to taking to reach the description on the right side of the board.
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