Employee is Argumentative with Members
Suggested Strategy: Use a permission-Based Question to help the
employee open up to feedback to lessen the individual’s room to
become argumentative.
Suggested Questions:
→ Permission-Based Question + The Sword: So that I don’t make any assumptions because that would be unfair to you, I would like to share
my perceptions as it relates to your interactions with members. Would
that be okay with you? (When they respond that you may give
feedback, share any observations you have made related to the
employee becoming argumentative with members.)
→ Reflective Question: I’m going to go get us some coffee / use the restroom / etc. and when I come back, I would like to discuss a strategy
that you think we could take on together to help you approach situations
with members in a more effective way.
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play: Practice these conversations where the employee would previously become argumentative. Set the scene for a scenario and
practice, having the employee play both roles. After each conversation,
give the employee feedback starting with what they did well, as well as
what they could improve for next time.
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