Taking Member Complaints Personally
Suggested Strategy: Every person that has ever worked in sales or
customer service has heard a complaint by a client or member or
customer regarding something about the company that you have zero
control over as an employee. Often, it is regarding policy or something
well beyond your reach. Rather than reacting defensively or shutting
down in the conversation, help the person you are coaching create
mechanisms that they can use when a complaint comes into play.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing 100% confidence, and one being terrified, where would you rate your ability to
handle member complaints objectively and help them to find a solution?
What actions can we take together to help you reach a six?
→ Third-Party Question: What intention do you think a member has when they express a complaint to you about something that they likely
know is beyond your control? What might they be experiencing on their
end that would cause them to bring their complaint to your attention?
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play : Have a few practice conversations with the employee where a complaint is brought into the picture. After each practice
conversation, provide feedback to the employee – what are two things
that they did well in the conversation? What are some things that they
could maybe improve on in the next conversation?
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