Adapting to Change as a Team
Suggested Strategy: In a group setting, begin with the awareness of the
group’s current ability to navigate change and how they initially react
when changes arise. Using a whiteboard, have the group collaborate on
creating a strategy that will help them become more successful in this
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being complete
flexibility and acceptance, and one being the opposite, where would you
rate our team on how well you adapt to change? *If their answer is
below a six* What actions can we take together to help the team reach a
→ Risk Question: What risks do you think the team might assume by not
allowing ourselves to adapt to change?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, ask the team
to define their current ability to adapt to change, or what their gut
reactions usually are when changes arise. On the right side of the
board, ask the group to come up with a definition of what it means to
seamlessly adapt to changes and how those abilities can help bring
greater success to the team. Then, erase the left side of the board and
have the group create a specific list of actions they will take to reach the
defined behavior on the right side of the board.
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