Using a Cell Phone While at Teller Window
Suggested Strategy: Perception vs. Intent: the teller’s intent may not be
to distract themselves and/or others while texting or checking emails,
and you can certainly address that in your coaching conversation.
Focus on how the teller’s peers or even members might view their
actions. Begin the conversation using the Sword and permission-based
questioning so that the conversation does not come off as directive, but
rather to bring awareness to the situation.
Suggested Questions:
→ Permission-Based Question + The Sword : “With your permission, so as to not make assumptions because that would be unfair to you, I
would like to share some observations with you.” After permission is
granted, you can then bring awareness to your perception that the teller
seems to be on their phone quite often at their teller window.
→ Third-Party Question: How do you think your peers might perceive your actions, and how might that affect your relationship with them? → Third-Party Question: What do you think a member’s perception might be when they walk into the branch and see you look up from your
phone or notice you putting it away as they come up to your window?
Suggested Activities:
→ Brainstorm / Discussion: Create a list together of actions to take instead of being on the phone at the teller window, as well as times
where it is appropriate to use your phone (if any).
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