CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign the representative to meet with two of their peers during the coming week to discuss successful strategies for

reaching their weekly or monthly sales goals. What can the

representative you are coaching take from their discussions and

implement in their own improvement strategy? How will these

discussions with their peers positively impact their development?

→ Self-Directed Learning: Assign the representative to come back to your next coaching session with three examples of positive steps taken

toward addressing the feedback from the start of your coaching

session. Discuss the specific actions taken by the representative and

how their positive response to feedback will help launch them toward

reaching their sales goals.

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Journal-Based Coaching: Ask the representative to keep a journal through the improvement process. The goal is for them to have a place

to note their successes as well as their challenges. It gives your

coaching target a place to strategize and keep track of their progress.

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