CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Controlling the Phone Conversation

Suggested Strategy: Getting wrapped up in small talk can happen

quickly when on the phone. Use a whiteboard to map out the desired

output of the conversation and the specific path to take to reach it.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing that you feel in complete control during phone conversations with members

and one representing that you have no control over the conversation

whatsoever, where do you think you would rate yourself in terms of

keeping the discussion direct and concise?

→ Self-Actualized Question: What specific actions do you think you are committed to taking to be more in control during conversations on the

phone with members?

Suggested Activities:

→ Whiteboard Coaching: Write down the ideal output that the representative is seeking when speaking on the phone with members.

Work backward from the desired end result toward the start of the

conversation and even before to mark the steps that the person you are

coaching needs to take with each phone call to keep the call on track.

By the end of the activity, you should have a specific conversation map

that the representative can put into practice when making phone calls.

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