Positivity Through Change as a Team
Suggested Strategy: Help outline the risks that the
team and individual can encounter by not
embracing positivity. By doing so, they’ll be able
to minimize inter-team drama, as well as bolster
individual and team relations.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: Come up with a team
definition of what positivity looks, sounds, and
feels like as it relates to their office relationships.
→ Risk Question: What risks do we assume by
not embracing a morepositive approach to
building relationships?
Suggested Activities:
→ GOAL-Based Coaching: What does the team aspire to in terms of
their relationships? What Opportunities may present themselves as a
result of becoming better at positivity? What Actions does each member
of the team need to take in order to have access to those areas? What
will they Love about reaching their goals? How might long-standing
relationships with clients/customers/peers assist them in reaching those
goals and navigating change positively?
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