→ Brainstorming: Building off GOALs, come up with an action plan
together that everyone can embrace. This creates consistency, shared
understanding, and goals when it comes to tangible behaviors.
Suggested Learning Projects:
→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Have the team members continue to practice
the skills that were established in the activities above. At the end of the
week, have them email you two successes and two challenges that they
encountered throughout the week in navigating change.
Supplemental Coaching Strategies:
→ Video-Based Coaching: Share a TED talk that highlights the
importance of positivity. This will keep the message in your team’s
heads long after they watch the video.
→ Non-Verbal Coaching: Leave handwritten notes for individuals at their
desks when you notice them exhibiting the behaviors and skills that
were brainstormed in the activities section. Be specific in describing
what they did, when, and why it was appreciated.
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