Confidence in Asking for Referrals
Suggested Strategy: Utilizing a Rating Question, help the individual
become aware of their own comfortability in asking for referrals and build
a strategy to help them become more comfortable to reach success.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing a
complete comfortability in asking for referrals and one representing that
you are entirely uncomfortable and may even prefer not to do it, where
would you rate yourself and why?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What actions can we take together to help
you reach a six and become entirely comfortable in asking for referrals?
Suggested Activities:
→ Discussion: Work with your
coaching target to create scripted
conversation pieces to help them be
prepared to ask for referrals in their
conversations. Ask them to think
about specific situations in which
they would utilize these scripts.
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