Letter to The Editor: Paper reinforced cynicism
The Editor,
emulation of the programme airline
Canadianswerenot gunowners andwere in
quoted. What about people like me? What
This letter is in response to your
companies haveestablished whensomeone
favour of “doing something” in reaction to
will theirreactionbemonthsfromnowwhen
editorial in the May 13, 2011 edition of the
buys a ticket.
Montréal’s worst massacre.
someonesolicits theirassistanceas potential
Tribune Express.
The fact that the minority Conservatives
No one bothered to point out that 15
Iwouldalso like to refer to the cover story
were foundguiltyof contempt ofParliament
years earlier, in 1972, the Blue Bird Club fire
Again I feel a wave of cynicismbreaking
concerning the Hawkesbury Food Bank.
is a reality that even Mr. Pierre Lemieux,
bombing took more than twice the number
at my feet.
I havebeen followingyour columns for
flashing his ever-present optimistic smile,
of lives and thereforewas aworsemassacre.
There were little bits and pieces in your
quite a while and I understand that sarcasm
cannot deny.
If there is a monument to Blue Bird victims
editorial which clearly illustrate how the
and a bit of tongue-in-cheek humour help to
However, old cynics likemyself find that
I am not aware of it. If there is an annual
get across one’s point and alleviate some of
thewhole exercisewas amerepolitical ploy.
commemoration it is poorly advertised.
andentrench itself inour societyasa“given”
the more dreary aspects that reality,
As you wrote, “That is the way democracy
No, the Gun Registration issue is here to
with very little pondering about its
especially the kind that is political, may
staybecause itwasmanufacturedbyvarious
The other parties knew they had the
lobby groups who were agenda driven and
For example, at the current time it is
However, all that the Tribune Express
numbers and thought they had nothing to
almost impossible to think, let alone state,
edition of May 13 did was to reinforce my
women in order to further their goals.
that food banks are not a social necessity.
cynicism. At least this edition of your paper
The gamble worked well for Mr. Layton.
If the Conservatives change the
If someonewere to run out of thewelfare
finally caused me to take pen in hand
Ultimately the Canadian public was the
legislation a subsequent government of
funds to which they were entitled and had
(virtually) and communicate with you.
judge and the results of the election can be
different political stripes may reinstate it.
no food,we think, “Well, they canalways go
In the case of occurrences such as the
statistically analyzed for an eon but the
Like the Food Bank, Gun Control has
to the Food Bank.”
FoodBankDebacle, thenewspaper is simply
assumed an existence of its own.
We donot pause and reflect on the nature
a messenger. Editorials, on the other hand,
Conservatives were given a majority.
The fact that the premise of gun
of the Food Bank, how it is funded etc. etc.
are close and personal.
No, sir, I am not a member of the
registration isunjust because it assumes that
The same can be said about some of the
The three parties involved in the Food
Conservative Party although at one time or
every gun owner may be a potential danger
things you touch on in your editorial.
Bank dispute seem to have forgotten that
another I have been a member of all the
The paragraph “So we now live...lies
out there one more important stakeholder
major political parties in Canada.
out, “toblend in,wehadbetter get ourselves
about climate change”, is an excellent
group is watching. “Le président de la
Having reached the ripe age of 65 I have
some guns.”
banquealimentaire” isunhappybecausehis
nomore illusions as to the nature of politics.
Well, I do not have a gun and I do not
Does anyone ever go back in time and
clientele is increasing and he feels that some
I admit that I have become a political
know if I ever will get one.
find out how the Gun Control issue arose?
of these clients are abusing the service.
But I do knowwhen something is not just
Did the then ruling Liberals see a golden
The salaried social services providers
I vote for the party which I perceive to be
and basically part of the politically correct
political hay making opportunity after the
most advantageous for me at a given time. I
Montréal Massacre and react accordingly?
poverty and a couple of FoodBankusers are
follow the examples of people like Mr. Bob
As far as “lies about climate change” are
The polls were quite clear. Most
Rae, the new interim leader of the federal
concerned, one can hardly blame thosewho
Liberals or Mr. Jean Charest, the Liberal
are somewhat skeptical.
Premier of Québec.
Do you remember how a great number
Their former political allegiance, NDP
of farmers were supposed to grow corn to
make ethanol and save our planet?
tohaveanybearingon their “career”moves.
I was also not that surprised by how
and wind turbines? Or how about the cows
quickly Mr. Ignatieff found an academic
which were supposed to be major polluters
job. Is it possible that he had a fall-back
of the atmosphere by virtue of the gas they
position all along?
emitted during digestion? Perhaps we can
There I go again being cynical.
establish a voluntary carbonoffset donation
at the check-out counters of food stores in
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