
areas of Ontario.”

Guess what? People in the Far East of

OK, so there is nothing new, so far.

Ontario are actually content!

Yet, this latest economic development

“The quality of life in Prescott-Russell is

plan purports to be different.


“Traditional approaches to economic

residents,” reads the latest tome treating the

development planning centred in the

economic development prospects of the

identificationof key economic target sectors

united counties.

for a community, a discrete list of three or

“The excellent schools, availability of

four industry types that acommunitywould

recreation, strong health care, and natural

seek to recruit and grow within its

beauty of the area are just a few of the

A SWOT to the psyche

boundaries. But in an era of globalization,

contributors to that highqualityof life. Local

rapid technology change, environmental

residents also considered the quality and

can get the buzz that comes with a bustling

This presents a major strength for the area,

concern, and knowledge industries the old

range of housing options in the Counties an

urban environment, and rapidly leave it all

especially given diminishing land

approaches have ceased to be effective. This

asset in attracting newcomers,” adds the

behind for the peace and tranquility of the


strategy takes as its starting point the notion

economic development plan which was


such asOttawa. However, this strengthmay

that as the economy changes, so too must

drawn up as the result of research and

But there are alsoother, economic-based,


economic development.”

consultations carried out in 2010.

benefits tobeinghalfwaybetweentwo large,

the amount of existing employment lands

Eventually, movers and shakers will use

The happy portrait was produced by a

exciting cities.

that are currently serviced,” the plan points

this strategy to help us capitalize on our

SWOTAssessment (Strengths,Weaknesses,

The report notes that since the counties


many assets. At least that is the theory.

Opportunities and Threats), which was

are close toOttawa-Gatineau andMontréal,

There is agriculture. “The counties are


undertaken to examine strengths,


home to a wide range of agricultural

that are gathering dust, you may wonder if

weaknesses, potential opportunities for

people, and a wealth of business services.

activities, as well as industries that support

this “new” plan will ever produce concrete

growth and threats that may hinder future

This proximity opens up all sorts of

the agricultural sector. The concentration of

benefits. But at least that SWOT test has


possibilities. However, on the flip side,

employment in the sector is well above the

reminded us that our quality of life is “very

While locals seemtobepleasedwith their

location can lead to a drain of brains and

concentrationof agricultural employment at


little part of theworld, this region obviously


the provincial level, and Prescott-Russell

has yet quite reached Paradise status.


exhibits agricultural strengths in a range of

The section on weaknesses identifies the

Hospice Simons

in the city do not return to work here; local

sub-sectors suchasdairyfarming, beef cattle,

usual problems – red tape, the lack of

residents commute to city jobs; Prescott-

equine, soybeans, and grains. The Larose

cohesive promotional efforts, the absence of

Plant Sale

Russell villages become bedroom

Forest is also a major asset to the area,

skilled workers, changing global economic


covering approximately 11,000 hectares




(26,000 acres) making it the largest forested

of Hospice Simons will be holding a plant

Surprisingly, the list of threats makes no


block in this part of the province. It is home

sale during the Vankleek Hill Trash and

mention of black flies, rough roads or gas

to avert as it attempts to increase the inflow

to a remarkable diversity of flora and fauna

Treasure Sale, June 4, beginning at 8 a.m. at

prices. However, as you read this, some

of investors to Prescott-Russell.

and is of interest to both locals and visitors.”

the Scotiabank on Main Street.

industrious consultant somewhere is no

“It is essential that an economic

Language isnot an issue. “Theproportion

The group is always looking for donated

doubt preparing an application for a

development plan build off and capitalize


plants, pots, and volunteers to help grow

government grant to assess the impact

on the unique elements and strengths of a

tongue well exceeds the proportion of

plants for the next sales, as well as railroad

mosquitoes have on productivity.

region in a way that will lead to economic

population that identifies as such at the

ties to edge seedling gardens. Call Ingrid at

Anyway, as the real estate people say,

growth and critical mass of business and

provincial level. As well, the proportion of

613-632-0807 for more information.

location is everything, and this region has –

investment activity in the future,” the

residents that speakbothEnglishandFrench

The group’s mandate is to establish a

wait for it – a great geographical advantage.

document reads.


bilingual non-profitpalliativecarecentre in

Topping the strengths column in the

What do we have to offer prospective

This has implications on the types of

Prescott-Russell. The facilitywouldinclude

report is proximity to Canada’s major

investors, employers and taxpayers?

businesses that can be attracted, and the

a ten-bed end-of-life residence, a day

metropolitan areas.

Space, for starters.

types of markets, both international and

hospice, an overnight respite residence, a

Yes, it is convenient to be able to drive an


domestic, that can be targeted. Indeed these

palliative education centre, and a support

hour andbe able to catch aCanadiens’ game

of commercial buildings and landavailable.

advantages are largely unmatched in other

and bereavement area centre.

or a show at the National Arts Centre. You

Hawkesbury Legion tax break is limited

The Editor,

population realizes that the Royal Canadian


we realize that theLegionBranch472 is a big

As a veteran member of the Royal

Legion Hawkesbury Branch 472 is much

No doubt you must know that every

plus for Hawkesbury and district.

CanadianLegionHawkesbury Branch 472, I

more than a beautiful hall and club room.

branch has a service bureau office

René Bertrand

wish to thank our municipal council for the

Considering the figuresmentionedabove

responsible to help veterans, wounded,


tax exemption for the Legion.

mutilated or suffering illnesses caused by

Nevertheless, I think that the population

their war service, to obtain the benefits they

Sidewalk Sale

should be aware that the exemption is just

are entitled to. Widows of veterans in that

The Business Improvement Area Commission has chosen July 7, 8 and 9 as the dates

for the municipal segment of the property

category are also helped. Children of

for its annual Sidewalk Sale. During that time, Main Street fromWilliam to McGill will

tax bill on our hall. The Legion still pays for

veterans and legionnaires’ children are

be closed to traffic. When they are not shopping, consumers can take in entertainment at

school taxes, water taxes and county taxes,

eligible to advance studies bursaries. The

the Place des Pionniers amphitheatre.

as they always did.

total of all these benefits for local members

Brunch In Pointe-au-Chêne

TheOntarioprovincial government some

is over $100,000 a year.

Le Centre Communautaire Campbell, the former Pointe-au-Chêne church, hosts a

years ago passed a law (Section 325 of the

We have here at theHawkesbury branch

community brunch the fourth Sunday of everymonth. Breakfast is served by volunteers

Ontario Municipal Act) exempting all

two very devoted and efficient service

for $7 per adult and $4 for children under 12.

veterans’ clubs such as Polish veterans, The

bureau officers, Mrs. Carol Purbrick and

Focus On Fitness

Legion, etc., frommunicipal taxes. That this

Peter Duncan, and in my name and the

TheCanadianMentalHealthAssociation’sOasis centreat 21NelsonSt.,Hawkesbury,

law is to be applied or not is at the discretion

name of all our comrades I wish to thank

offers Focus on Fitness programs, including visits to the gymat Club 352, NintendoWii,

of the municipalities; 87 per cent of Legion

them very sincerely.

a walking club, presentations and healthy lunches. For information, call Danika at 613-

branches in Ontario are municipal tax

I mention all these facts so that the

632-4924, extension 407.


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