Wild Flower Booklet

Wild Flower Range

Head Office: Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd Portfield Chichester West Sussex PO19 7TT Tel. +44 (0) 1243 784 171 Fax. +44 (0) 1243 775 747 Email. agri@bartholomews.co.uk Website. www.bartholomews.co.uk Golden Cross: Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd Deanland Road Golden Cross Near Hailsham East Sussex BN27 3RP Tel. +44 (0) 1825 872 697 Fax. +44 (0) 1825 872 850

Barts Flora 1 Cornfield Annuals

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm) Colour 30 60-120 Purple 20 30-60 Blue


Corn Cockle Corn Flower

Agrostemma githago Centaurea cyanus

June Aug June Aug

Corn Marigold Chrysanthemum segetum 15 15-45

Yellow June Oct

Corn Poppy

Papaver rhoeas

5 30-60

Red June Sept

White Campion Corn Chamomile

Silene alba

10 60-90 White 20 15-50 White

May Sept June July

Anthemis arvensis

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name


% Height (cm)

Red Fescue

Festuca rubra

20 15-90

Crested Dogstail Sheeps Fescue Browntop Bent Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Cynosurus cristatus

24 40

5-75 5-60

Festuca ovina

Agrostis castellana



Poa pratensis



Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 2 Acid Soils

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm)




Stachys officinalis Lotus corniculatus Centaurea nigra Hypochaeris radicata Digitalis purpurea Agrimonia procera

6 30-80 Purple

June Sept

Birdsfoot Trefoil Black Knapweed Common Cat’s Ear

4 5-40

Yellow June Aug

7 30-80 Purple

June Sept

1 15-60

Yellow June Sept


4 50-150 Purple

June Sept

Fragrant Agrimony Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil Lady’s Bedstraw Meadow Buttercup

10 -

Yellow June Aug

Lotus uliginosus

4 50-60

Yellow June Aug

Gallium verum Ranunculus acris

10 50-80 10 30-100

Yellow June Sept Yellow May Sept

Ox-eye Daisy Ragged Robin Sheep Sorrel

Leucanthemum vulgare

5 20-100 White

May Oct

Lychnis flos-cuculi Rumex acetosella Succisa pratensis Achillea ptarmica Rumex acetosa

4 30-80 2 30-100

Red May June Pink May June

Devils Bit Scabious

3 20-80 Lilac 4 20-150 White

July Sept July Sept May July June Aug June Oct



4 30-100


Tufted Vetch

Vicia cracca

10 100-200 Purple 8 20-45 White


Achillea millefolium Rhinanthus minor

Yellow Rattle

4 15-40

Yellow May Aug

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name Browntop Bent


% Height (cm) 10 10-70 5 10-100 20 5-75 5 20-100 40 5-60 20 22-100

Agrostis castellana

Sweet Vernal

Anthoxanthum odoratum Cynosurus cristatus Deschampsia flexuosa

Crested Dogstail Wavy Hair-grass Sheeps Fescue

Festuca ovina

Slender Red Fescue

Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 3 Damp Loamy Soils

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm) 2 5-15



Autumn Hawkbit

Leontodon autumnalis

Yellow Aug Oct


Stachys officinalis Lotus corniculatus Centaurea nigra

5 30-80 Purple

June Sept

Birdsfoot Trefoil Black Knapweed Rough Hawkbit

5 5-40

Yellow June Aug

10 30-80 Purple

June Sept

Leontodon hispidus Tragopogon pratensis Sanguisorba officinalis Ranunculus acris Geranium pratense Lathyrus pratensis Leucanthemum vulgare

2 20-40 4 30-60 3 40-90 10 30-100

Yellow June Sept Yellow June Sept Red June Sept Yellow May Sept

Goatsbeard Great Burnet

Meadow Buttercup Meadow Cranesbill Meadow Vetchling

4 30-60 Blue

June Sept

2 80-100

Yellow May Aug

Ox-eye Daisy

6 20-100 White 14 5-20 Purple

May Oct


Prunella vulgaris Rumex acetosa

June Sept May July June Aug June Oct


4 30-100


Tufted Vetch

Vicia cracca

12 100-200 Purple 8 20-45 White


Achillea millefolium Rhinanthus minor

Yellow Rattle

9 15-40

Yellow May Aug

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name Browntop Bent Chewings Fescue Crested Dogstail Golden Oat Grass Meadow Foxtail Sheeps Fescue Slender Red Fescue


% Height (cm) 5 10-70 13 20-90 16 5-75 11 20-80 7 30-120 16 5-60 20 22-100

Agrostis castellana

Festuca rubra ssp. commutata

Cynosurus cristatus Trisetum flavescens Alopecurus pratensis

Festuca ovina

Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa

Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Poa pratensis

12 10-90

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 4 Calcareous Soils

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm)




Stachys officinalis Lotus corniculatus Silene vulgaris Linaria vulgaris

6 30-80 Purple

June Sept

Birdsfoot Trefoil Bladder Campion Common Toadflax

7 5-40 4 80 4 50-90 9 15-35 3 10-30

Yellow June Aug


May Sept

Yellow June Oct Yellow May Aug Yellow April June

Bulbous Buttercup Ranunculus bulbosus


Primula veris

Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa

5 50-90 Purple

July Aug May July

Hoary Plantain Kidney Vetch

Plantago media

5 15-45 6 15-30 6 50-80 7 30-100


Anthyllis vulneraria Gallium verum Ranunculus acris

Yellow May Aug Yellow June Sept Yellow May Sept

Lady’s Bedstraw Meadow Buttercup

Ox-eye Daisy Small Scabious

Leucanthemum vulgare Scabiosa columbaria

4 20-100 White 4 20-45 Lilac 10 100-200 Purple 8 30-100 White 2 30-60 Purple

May Oct June Aug June Aug June Sept July Sept

Tufted Vetch Wild Carrot

Vicia cracca

Daucus carota

Wild Marjoram Origanum vulgare

Wild Mignonette

Reseda lutea

4 20-50 4 100 2 120

Yellow June Aug


Filipendula vulgaris Verbascum nigrum


June Aug

Dark Mullein

Yellow June Oct

Common Name Browntop Bent Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass Crested Dogstail Golden Oat Grass Quaking Grass Sheeps Fescue Slender Red Fescue Grasses: 4 parts 80%


% Height (cm) 5 10-70 19 10-90 17 5-75 7 20-80 1 15-75 20 5-60 23 22-100 5 10-50

Agrostis castellana

Poa pratensis

Cynosurus cristatus Trisetum flavescens

Briza media Festuca ovina

Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa

Smaller Cat’s-tail Upright Brome

Phleum bertolonii Bromopsis erecta

3 40-120

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 5 Wet Loamy Soils

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm)




Stachys officinalis Centaurea nigra Lycopus europaeus Succisa pratensis Lotus uliginosus Erigeron acer Stachys palustris Ranunculus acris Thalictrum flavum Filipendula ulmaria

8 30-80 Purple 6 30-80 Purple 3 30-100 White 4 20-80 Lilac

June Sept June Sept July Sept July Sept

Black Knapweed


Devil’s Bit Scabious Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil Hemp Agrimony Marsh Woundwort Meadow Buttercup

5 5-15 4 100

Yellow Aug Oct


July Sept July Sept

5 70-90 Purple

12 30-100

Yellow May Sept Yellow July Aug

Meadow Rue Meadowsweet Ox-eye Daisy

6 80

6 50-150 White 7 20-100 White 4 5-100 Purple

June Aug May Oct July Sept

Leucanthemum vulgare

Purple Loosestrife

Lythrum salicaria Lychnis flos-cuculi Achillea ptarmica

Ragged Robin

3 30-80

Red May June


4 20-150 White

July Sept

Square Stemmed St. John’s Wort

Hypericum tetrapterum

4 30-60 6 60-120 13 15-40

Yellow July Sept Yellow May July Yellow May Aug

Yellow Flag-iris Yellow Rattle

Iris pseudacorus Rhinanthus minor

Common Name Browntop Bent Chewings Fescue Common Sedge Crested Dogstail Meadow Barley Meadow Foxtail Pendulas Sedge Sheeps Fescue Slender Red Fescue Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass Sweet Vernal Tufted Hair-grass Grasses: 4 parts 80%


% Height (cm)

Agrostis castellana

4 10-70 12 20-90

Festuca rubra ssp. commutata

Carex nigra



Cynosurus cristatus Hordeum secalinum Alopecurus pratensis

15 5-75 5 20-80 6 30-120

Carex pendula Festuca ovina



16 5-60 20 22-100 11 10-90 5 10-100

Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa

Poa pratensis

Anthoxanthum odoratum Deschampsia cespitosa



Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 6 Dry Loamy Soils

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name Autumn Hawkbit Birdsfoot Trefoil Black Knapweed Bladder Campion


% Height (cm) 3 5-15 7 5-40



Leontodon autumnalis

Yellow Aug Oct Yellow June Aug

Lotus corniculatus Centaurea nigra

10 30-80 Purple

June Sept May Sept

Silene vulgaris

4 80 9 15-35 8 30-60 6 50-90 4 10-30


Bulbous Buttercup Ranunculus bulbosus Common Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria

Yellow May Sept Yellow July Sept Yellow June Oct Yellow April June

Common Toadflax

Linaria vulgaris Primula veris Knautia arvensis Gallium verum Malva moschata


Field Scabious Lady’s Bedstraw

8 30-90 Lilac

July Sept

6 50-80 8 20-80

Yellow June Sept

Musk Mallow Ox-eye Daisy Salad Burnet Wild Carrot


July Oct May Oct

Leucanthemum vulgare

7 20-100 White

Sanguisorba minor

5 30

Yellow May Aug

Daucus carota

6 30-100 White 3 20-45 White

June Sept June Oct


Achillea millefolium Rhinanthus minor

Yellow Rattle

6 15-40

Yellow May Aug

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name Browntop Bent


% Height (cm) 5 10-70 15 20-90 16 5-75 7 20-80 16 5-60 20 22-100 7 10-50

Agrostis castellana

Chewings Fescue Crested Dogstail Golden Oat Grass Sheeps Fescue Slender Red Fescue

Festuca rubra ssp. commutata

Cynosurus cristatus Trisetum flavescens

Festuca ovina

Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa

Smaller Cat’s-tail Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Phleum bertolonii

Poa pratensis

14 10-90

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 7 Hedgerow & Light Shade

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm)




Stachys officinalis Aquilegia vulgaris Digitalis purpurea Verbascum thapsus Hypericum hirsutum Galium mollugo Alliaria petiolata Stachys sylvatica Malva moschata

7 30-80 Purple 5 100 Purple 6 50-150 Purple

June Sept May June June Sept

Columbine Foxglove

Greater Mullein

4 40-200 5 40-100 8 100

Yellow July Sept Yellow July Aug

Hairy St. John’s Wort

Hedge Bedstraw


June Sept May Aug

Hedge Garlic

10 90-125 White

Hedge Woundwort

8 30-100

Red July Aug

Musk Mallow Nettle Leaved Bellflower

4 60


May Aug

Campanula trachelium

4 80


July Sept

Common St. John’s Wort

Hypericum perforatum

4 30-120

Yellow June Sept

Red Campion

Silene dioica

11 50-80

Red May Nov


Prunella vulgaris Torilis japonica Geum urbanum

11 5-20 Purple 6 80-100 White

June Sept July Aug

Upright Hedge Parsley

Wood Avens Wood Sage

3 40-60 4 20-30

Yellow May June Yellow July Sept

Teucrium scorodonia

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name Browntop Bent Chewings Fescue Crested Dogstail Sheeps Fescue


% Height (cm) 5 10-70 15 20-90 20 5-75 20 5-60 15 22-100 5 20-200 20 15-90

Agrostis castellana

Festuca rubra ssp. commutata

Cynosurus cristatus

Festuca ovina

Slender Red Fescue Tufted Hair-grass Wood Meadow Grass

Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa Deschampsia cespitosa

Poa nemoralis

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 8 Legacy (General Purpose, Country Meadow)

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm) 5 5-15



Birdsfoot Trefoil Black Knapweed Black Medick Common Vetch Meadow Buttercup

Lotus corniculatus Centaurea nigra Medicago lupulina

Yellow Aug Oct

8 30-80 Purple

June Sept

5 15-50

Yellow May Sept

Vicia sativa

5 20-45 Purple

April Sept

Ranunculus acris Malva moschata

7 30-100

Yellow May Sept

Musk Mallow Ox-eye Daisy

4 60


May Aug May Oct

Leucanthemum vulgare Plantago lanceolata

12 20-100 White

Ribwort Plantain Red Campion

12 5-50 8 80

Brown May Sept Red May Sept

Silene dioica


Prunella vulgaris

13 5-20 Purple 15 30-100 White 6 20-45 White

June Sept May Sept June Oct

White Campion

Silene alba


Achillea millefolium

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name Browntop Bent


% Height (cm)

Agrostis castellana

7 10-70

Red Fescue

Festuca rubra



Crested Dogstail Meadow Fescue Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Cynosurus cristatus Festuca pratensis

21 5-75



Poa pratensis

25 10-90

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 9 Heritage

Wild flowers: 1 part 10%

Common Name


% Height (cm)




Agrimonia eupatoria 4.3


Yellow June Aug


Stachys officinalis Lotus corniculatus Centaurea nigra

2.05 2.05 4.05

30-80 Purple

June Sept

Birdsfoot Trefoil Black Knapweed Common Vetch Corn Cockle Corn Feverfew


Yellow June Aug

30-80 Purple 20-45 Purple

June Sept April Sept June Aug April Nov June Sept June Sept June Sept May July

Vicia sativa


Agrostemma githago

9 60-120 Purple

Matricaria perforata 4.05

10-80 10-30 30-60



Primula veris Papaver rhoeas Digitalis purpurea Galium mollugo Plantago media Sanguisorba minor Ranunculus acris Malva moschata

1.25 2.25

Yellow April June

Field Poppy



0.7 2.6 1.5

50-150 Purple

Hedge Bedstraw Hoary Plantain Lady’s Bedstraw Meadow Buttercup Musk Mallow Ox-eye Daisy Ragged Robin St. John’s Wort Red Campion Ribwort Plantain Salad Burnet



15-45 50-80 20-90


Gallium verum 2.6

Yellow June Sept Yellow May Sept Yellow May Sept


4.05 30-100




July Oct May Oct May June

Leucanthemum vulgare

2 20-100 White

Lychnis flos-cuculi




Hypericum perforatum 0.35 30-100

Yellow June Sept

Silene dioica




May Nov

Plantago lanceolata Onobrychis viciifolia Prunella vulgaris Daucus carota Salvia verbenaca Pastinaca sativa



Brown May Sept

Sainfoin Selfheal

9 50-60


May Aug June Sept June Sept May Sept




Wild Carrot Wild Clary Wild Parsnip

1.7 5.1 5.1

30-100 White




Yellow May Sept

White Campion Wood Avens

Silene alba

3.05 30-100 White

May Sept

Geum urbanum 2.6


Yellow May June


Achillea millefolium

1 20-45


June Oct

Grasses: 9 parts 90%

Common Name Sweet Vernal Grass Meadow Foxtail Crested Dogstail Slender Red Fescue Browntop Bent Sheeps Fescue Chewings Fescue Wood Meadow Grass


% Height (cm)

Anthoxanthum odoratum Alopecurus pratensis


10-100 30-120 10-90 22-100 10-70 5-75


Cynosurus cristatus


Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Poa pratensis


Festuca rubra litoralis Agrostis castellana



Festuca ovina

20 20


Festuca rubra commutata

20-90 15-90 10-60 20-80

Poa nemoralis

7 4 2 2

Saltmarsh Grass Yellow Oat Grass

Puccinellia distans Trisetum flavescens

Rough Stalked Meadow Grass

Poa trivialis


Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 10 Country Meadow (General Purpose Plus Annuals)

Wild flowers: 1 part 10%

Common Name


% Height (cm) 2 5-15



Birdsfoot Trefoil Black Knapweed Black Medick Common Vetch

Lotus corniculatus Centaurea nigra Medicago lupulina

Yellow Aug Oct

8 30-80 Purple

June Sept

4 15-50

Yellow May Sept

Vicia sativa

5 20-45 Purple 8 60-120 Purple

April Sept June Aug

Corn Cockle

Agrostemma githago

Corn Marigold Chrysanthemum segetum 7 15-45

Yellow June Oct

Corn Poppy

Papaver rhoeas Ranunculus acris Malva moschata

3 30-60 5 30-100

Red June Sept Yellow May Sept

Meadow Buttercup

Musk Mallow Ox-eye Daisy

4 60


May Aug May Oct

Leucanthemum vulgare 12 20-100 White

Ribwort Plantain Red Campion

Plantago lanceolata

10 5-50 5 30-100

Brown May Sept Red May Sept

Silene dioica


Prunella vulgaris

13 5-20 Purple 10 30-100 White 4 20-45 White

June Sept May Sept June Oct

White Campion

Silene alba


Achillea millefolium

Grasses: 9 parts 90%

Common Name Browntop Bent


% Height (cm)

Agrostis castellana

7 10-70

Red Fescue

Festuca rubra



Crested Dogstail Meadow Fescue

Cynosurus cristatus Festuca pratensis

21 5-75



Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Poa pratensis



Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 11 Woodland & Heavy Shade Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm)




Hyacinthoides non-scripta 12 50


April June


Aquilegia vulgaris Scrophularia nodosa Digitalis purpurea Stellaria holostea Hypericum hirsutum

4 100 Purple

May June


3 50-85

Red June Sept


8 50-150 Purple

June Sept April Jun

Greater Stitchwort Hairy St. John’s Wort

2 50


6 40-100 7 100 3 100

Yellow July Aug

Hedge Bedstraw Hemp Agrimony Meadowsweet Nettle-Leaved Bellflower

Galium mollugo Erigeron acer

White White

June Sept July Sept June Aug

Filipendula ulmaria

6 50-150 White

Campanula trachelium

4 80


July Sept

Red Campion Wood Avens Wild Angelica Wood Sage Wood Vetch

Silene dioica

13 50-80 4 50-70 10 150 6 20-30 12 130

Red May Nov Yellow June Aug

Geum urbanum Angelica sylvestris Teucrium scorodonia


July Sept

Yellow July Sept Pink June Aug

Vicia sylvatica

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name Browntop Bent


% Height (cm)

Agrostis castellana

5 10-70

Chewings Fescue

Festuca rubra ssp. commutata

15 20-60

Crested Dogstail Sheeps Fescue

Cynosurus cristatus

20 5-75 20 5-60

Festuca ovina

Slender Red Fescue

Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa

15 22-100

Tufted Hair-grass

Deschampsia cespitosa

5 20-200 20 15-90

Wood Meadow Grass

Poa nemoralis

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 12 Water Margin & Pond Edges

Wild flowers: 1 part 20%

Common Name


% Height (cm) 2 30-80



Common Fleabane Pulicaria dysenterica

Yellow July Sept

Gipsy Wort

Lycopus europeus

6 100


June Sept

Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil Hemp Agrimony Marsh Marigold Marsh Woundwort

Lotus uliginosus

6 5-15

Yellow Aug Sept

Erigeron acer Caltha palustris Stachys palustris Thalictrum flavum Filipendula ulmaria Lythrum salicaria Lychnis flos-cuculi Achillea ptarmica

4 100 2 100


July Sept July Sept July Sept


9 70-90 Purple

Meadow Rue Meadowsweet

8 80

Yellow July Aug

15 5-150 White 5 50-100 Purple

June Aug July Sept

Purple Loosestrife

Ragged Robin

9 30-80

Red May June


7 20-150 White

July Sept

Square Stemmed St. John’s Wort

Hypericum tetrapterum

6 30-60

Yellow July Sept

Water Avens Yellow Flag-iris

Geum rivale

3 60


April July

Iris pseudacorus

18 15-40

Yellow May Aug

Grasses: 4 parts 80%

Common Name Browntop Bent Common Sedge Crested Dogstail Meadow Foxtail Pendulas Sedge Rough Stalked Meadow Grass Sheeps Fescue


% Height (cm)

Agrostis castellana

5 10-70

Carex nigra



Cynosurus cristatus Alopecurus pratensis

20 5-75 10 30-120

Carex pendula



Poa trivialis

7 20-100

Festuca ovina

38 5-60 4 10-100 15 20-200

Sweet Vernal

Anthoxanthum odoratum Deschampsia cespitosa

Tufted Hair-grass

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m

Barts Flora 110 (Economy General Purpose Plus Annuals)

Wild flowers: 1 part 5%

Common Name


% Height (cm) 3 5-15



Birdsfoot Trefoil Black Knapweed Black Medick Common Vetch

Lotus corniculatus Centaurea nigra Medicago lupulina

Yellow Aug Oct

8 30-80 Purple

June Sept

4 15-50

Yellow May Sept

Vicia sativa

5 20-45 Purple 7 60-120 Purple

April Sept June Aug

Corn Cockle

Agrostemma githago

Corn Marigold Chrysanthemum segetum 7 15-45

Yellow June Oct

Corn Poppy

Papaver rhoeas Ranunculus acris Malva moschata

3 30-60 5 30-100

Red June Sept Yellow May Sept

Meadow Buttercup

Musk Mallow Ox-eye Daisy

4 60


May Aug May Oct

Leucanthemum vulgare 12 20-100 White

Ribwort Plantain Red Campion

Plantago lanceolata

10 5-50 5 30-100

Brown May Sept Red May Sept

Silene dioica


Prunella vulgaris

13 5-20 Purple 10 30-100 White 4 20-45 White

June Sept May Sept June Oct

White Campion

Silene alba


Achillea millefolium

Grasses: 19 parts 95%

Common Name Browntop Bent


% Height (cm)

Agrostis castellana

7 10-70

Red Fescue

Festuca rubra



Crested Dogstail Meadow Fescue Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Cynosurus cristatus Festuca pratensis

21 5-75



Poa pratensis

25 10-90

Pack size: 1kg Sowing rate: 5g/sq.m Sq.m coverage: 200sq.m


MIXTURE SELECTION It is important that the correct mixture is selected to coincide with the soil type and drainage characteristics of each site. SITE PREPARATION The aim is to produce a firm, weed-free tilth to promote healthy germination. Subsoils often provide weed-free areas with a low nutrient status and are therefore suitable for wild flora planting. It is occasionally necessary to remove the topsoil in areas of high fertility (this can be sold to raise revenue) as these soils tend to promote the growth of more vigorous grasses and pernicious weeds.To remove docks, thistles, nettles and weed grasses, the site should be treated with a systemic herbicide (following the manufacturer’s instructions) prior to seed bed cultivation. SUMMARY a. Cultivate site and allow to remain fallow, if practical b. Treat with herbicide or SOWING Sowing can take place throughout most of the year, providing a good tilth can be prepared. However, the months of March/April and August/September are generally the most suitable. a. Mix seed – regularly mix to ensure even species distribution b. Drill/broadcast – calibrate sowing device c. Rate – 5 g/m 2 mixtures with grass or 0.5 – 1.0 g/m 2 pure wild flower mixtures d. Sand – bulk up small seeding rates with 4 parts silica sand to one part seed by weight e. Raking/harrowing – mix seed into soil (depth approx 0.5cm) f. Ring roller – use Cambridge roller to firm seed bed WILD FLOWER FIRST YEAR MAINTENANCE The requirement in the first year is to control weeds and reduce competition from grasses. Cut the sward to a height of 5cm every two months or when the sward reaches 15cm. Remove all cut material to avoid smothering the sward. Where persistent weeds are a problem, spot treat with herbicide or dig-out. FUTURE MAINTENANCE c. Remove topsoil d. Cultivate to 10cm e. Create a surface tilth The sward should be well established after the first 12 months and contain a diverse range of species. Cut to 7.5cm during March/April and remove cuttings. The second cut should take place at the end of the flowering season during August/September (the flowering period may alter slightly according to climatic conditions). Remove all cuttings or use as hay. The site may require further cuts in the autumn period to remove untidy growth in an extended growing season. MAINTENANCE SUMMARY FIRST YEAR First cut 5cm March/April (spring seeding 1 st cut in May) Cut every 2 months or when sward reaches 15cm Final cut September/October Remove all cuttings FUTURE YEARS First cut 7.5cm March/April (if necessary) Second cut 7.5cm August/October Remove all cuttings CORNFIELD ANNUALS Make the first cut in early March and a second cut once the flowering period is over – September/October. Harrow autumn or spring to regenerate annuals.

For further information please contact us on:- Tel: 01243 784 171 Fax: 01243 775 747 Email: agri@bartholomews.co.uk

Golden Cross Office: Tel: 01825 872 697 Email: goldencross@bartholomews.co.uk

Website: www.bartholomews.co.uk

We aim to supply the mixtures as per specifications above. Occasionally suppliers of some species and varieties run out and it may be necessary to subtitute or increase percentages accordingly.

Head Office: Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd Portfield Chichester West Sussex PO19 7TT Tel. +44 (0) 1243 784 171 Fax. +44 (0) 1243 775 747 Email. agri@bartholomews.co.uk Website. www.bartholomews.co.uk Golden Cross: Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd Deanland Road Golden Cross Near Hailsham East Sussex BN27 3RP Tel. +44 (0) 1825 872 697 Fax. +44 (0) 1825 872 850

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