The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.6

The Fundamentals

A Testimony to the Truth

“To ike Law and to the Testimony” Isaiah 8:20

Volume VI

Compliments of Two Christian Laymen

T e s t i m o n y P u b l i s h i n g C o m p a n y (Not Inc.) 808 La Salle Ave., Chicago, 111., U. S. A.

FOREWORD We rejoice that we are able to place another volume of “The Fundamentals” in the hands of English-speaking Prot- estant pastors, evangelists, missionaries, theological profess- ors, theological students, Y. M. C. A. secretaries, Y. W. C. A. secretaries, Sunday school superintendents, religious editors, and lay-workers throughout the earth. May it be as abun- dantly blessed as its predecessors have been by the grace of God, unto the strengthening of saints, unto the defense of the truth against the insidious attacks of the present day, and unto the conversion of sinners. It goes forth accompanied by the prayers of many thou- sand Christians, who, in hearty answer to suggestions made in preceding volumes, have formed a Circle of Prayer and are upholding before the throne of grace the work of “The B'un- damentals ’ and of the Committee to which the two Christian laymen have entrusted the editing and publishing of these books. We very earnestly request other faithful believers to join this circle of prayer in order that in answer to believing and united prayer, the truth may “run and be glorified” and a world-wide revival of true religion be started. (James 5:16, last clause.) We hope that many others will yet join our circle of prayer, and thus strengthen our hands in faith, and we ,ask all the friends of “The Fundamentals” for a special prayer that He who answers prayer may so lead and guide in the undertaking that lasting results may be brought to pass unto His glory. All editorial correspondence should he addressed to “The Fundamentals ,” 123 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincin- nati, Ohio, U. S. A. All business correspondence should be addressed to “Testi- mony Publishing Company ” 808 LaSalle Avenue, Chicago, III., U .S . A.

(See Publishers’ Notice, Page 128.)




/T . T he T e s t imo n y of F o r e ig n M is si o n s t o t h e S u pe r in t e n d in g P r o v id e n c e of G od . . . . .


By the late Arthur T . Pierson.

¡ Æ . Is T h e r e a G o d ?................ ....................................


By Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, M. A., D. D., Kilmarnock, Scotland.

¿ I I I . S in an d J u d g me n t t o C o m e ................................. By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B. L. L. D., London, England. ¿TV. T he A t o n e m e n t .................................................. . . By Professor Franklin Johnson, D. D., L. L. D., Chicago, Illinois. ¿''"V. T he G o d -M a n ........................ ...............................



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By the late John Stock.

¿V I . T h e E a rl y N a r r a t iv e s o f G e n e s is .................. By Professor James Orr, D. D., United Free Church College, Glasgow, Scotland.


M T I . T he P erso n a n d W o r k of J es u s C h r i s t _____ 98 By Bishop John L. Nuelsen, D. D., Omaha, Nebraska. ¿'VlII. T he H ope of t h e C h u r c h .................................... 114 By Rev. John McNicol, B. A., B. D., Bible Training School, Toronto, Canada.





THE TESTIMONY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS TO THE SUPERINTENDING PROVIDENCE OF GOD BY THE I.ATE ARTHUR T. PIERSON God is in creation ; cosmos would still be chaos with God left out. He is also in events; the whole of mission history is a mystery until read as His story. We are now to look at the. proofs of a Superintending Providence of God in foreign missions. The word “providence” literally means forevision, and hence, foreaction—prepa- ration for what is foreseen—e xpressing a divine, invisible rule of this world, including care, control, guidance, as exer- cised over both the animate and inanimate creation. In its largest scope it involves foreknowledge and foreordination, preservation and administration, exercised in all places and at all times. For our present purpose the word “providence” may be limited to the divine activity in the entire control of persons and events. This sphere of action and administration, or superintendence, embraces three departments: first, the nat- ural or material— creation; second, the spiritual or immaterial f new creation; and third, the intermediate history in which He adapts and adjusts the one to the other, so that even the marred and hostile elements, introduced by sin, are made tribu- tary to the final triumph o f ,redemption. Man’s degeneration is corrected in regeneration; the natural made subservient to

6 The Fundamentals the supernatural, and even the wrath of man to the love and grace of God. MANIFESTATIONS OF GOD Thus, intermediate between the mystery of creation and the mystery of the new creation lies the mystery of history, linking the other two. We are now briefly to trace the work- ing of the Creator and Ruler of both the matter worlds and time worlds, controlling the blind forces of nature and the in- telligent forces of human nature, so as to make all events and agencies serve His ends as Redeemer. In creation God specially manifests His eternity, power and wisdom; in history, His sovereignty and majesty, justice and righteousness ; in redemption, His holiness and benevo- lence, and, most of all, grace or the voluntary exercise of His love. These positions being granted, we may expect to find, especially in mission history, proofs of God’s Superintending Providence, of His three-fold administration as Lawgiver, King, and Judge; in His legislative capacity, commanding and counseling ; in His executive capacity,governing and directing ; in His judicial capacity, rewarding and punishing. Space allows only a general glance as of a landscape from.a moun- tain top. GOD S ENTERPRISE The work of missions is pre-eminently God’s enterprise— has on it the seal of His authority. He calls it His own “visit- ing of the nations to take out of them a people for His name.” Thus the whole course of missions becomes God’s march through the ages. He has His vanguard, the forerunners that prepare His way, making ready for, and heralding, His ap- proach. He has His bodyguard, the immediate attendants that signalize His actual advance, bear His banners, and execute His will ; and He has His rearguard the resultant movements consequent upon, and complementary to, the rest. In other words, God’s Superintending Providence in mis- sions is seen from three points of view :

The Superintending Providence of God 7 1. In the divine preparations for world-wide evangeliza- tion. 2. In the divine co-operation in missionary activity. 3. In the divine benediction upon all faithful service. g o d ’ s p r e p a r a t i o n s Each of these embraces many particulars which demand more than a rapid glance. God’s preparations reached through millenniums. But within the century just closed we see Him moving, opening doors and shaping events, causing the re- moval of obstacles and the subsidence of barriers, raising up and thrusting forth workers, and furnishing new facilities; and conspicuously in promoting Bible translation and diffusion. g o d ’ s c o - o p e r a t i o n His co-operation is seen in the unity and continuity of the work, in the marked fitness between the workers and the work, the new fields and the new facilities. Startling correspond- ences in mission history reveal His omnipresence and faith- fulness, such as synchronisms and successions among His chosen servants, parallel and converging lines of labor, and connecting links of service. All these, and much more, show, behind the lives and deeds of the workmen, a Higher Power that wrought in them both to will and to work. g o d ’ s b e n e d i c t i o n Mission history shows also clear traces of the Judge. Hindrances and hinderers at times removed by sudden retribu- tive judgments; nations that would not serve His ends de- clining and even perishing; and churches, cursed with spiritual apathy and lethargy, decaying. On the other hand, His ap- proval has been as marked in compensations for self-denial and in rewards for service; in making martyr blood the seed of new churches, and in lifting to a higher level the individual and church life that has been most unselfishly jealous and zeal- ous of His kingdom.


The Fundamentals Pagan philosophers regarded the milky way as an old, dis- used path of the sun, upon which He had left some faint im- pression of His glorious presence in the golden stardust from His footsteps. To him who prayerfully watches mission his- tory it is God’s Via Lactea; He has passed that way, and made the place of His feet glorious. Brevity forbids more than the citation of instances suf- ficient to demonstrate and illustrate these positions. The evi- dence of divine co-working will of course be clearest where there is closest adherence to His declared methods of work- ing. As to DIVINE PREPARATION FOR MISSIONS what events and what messengers have been His chosen fore- runners? The first half of the eighteenth century seemed more likely to be the mother of iniquity and idolatry than to rock the cradle of world-wide missions. Deism in the pulpit and practical atheism in the pew naturally begot apathy, if not antipathy, toward Gospel diffusion. A hundred and fifty years ago, in the body of the Church, disease was dominant and death seemed imminent. Infidelity and irreligion stalked about, God denying and God defying. In camp and court, at the bar and on the bench,1in the home and in the Church, there was a plague of heresy and a moral leprosy. THREE GREAT FORCES . How then came a century of modern missions! Three great forces God marshalled to co-operate: the obscure Mora- vians, the despised Methodists, and a little group of interces- sors scattered over Britain and America. There had been a consecrated band in Saxony for about a hundred years, whose hearts’ altars had caught fire at Huss’s stake, and fed that fire from Spener’s pietism, and Zinzendorf’s zeal. Their great law was labor for souls, all at it and always at it. God had already made Herrnhut the cradle of missions and had there

The Superintending Providence of God 9 revived the apostolic church. Three principles underlay the whole life of the United Brethren: Each disciple is> first, to find his work in witness for God; second, his home where the widest door opens and the greatest need calls; and third, his cross in SELF-DENIAL for Christ. As Count Zinzendorf said: “The whole earth is the Lord’s; men’s souls are all H is ; I am debtor to all.” A SYMPHONY OF PRAISE The Moravians providentially molded John Wesley; and the Holy Club of Lincoln College, Oxford, touched by this influence, took on a distinctively missionary character. Their motto had been, “Holiness to the Lord;” but holiness became wedded to service, and evangelism became the watchword of the Methodists. Just then, in America, and by a strange coincidence, Jonathan Edwards was unconsciously joining John Wesley in preparing the way for modern missions. In 1747, exactly 300 years after the United Brethren organized as followers of Huss, at Lititz in Bohemia, Edwards sent forth his bugle-blast from Northampton, New England, calling God’s people to a visible union of prayer for a speedy and world- wide effusion of the Spirit. That bugle-blast found echo in Northampton in old England, and William Carey resolved to organize mission effort—with what results we all know. And, just as the French Revolution let hell loose, a new missionary society in Britain was leading the awakened Church to assault hell at its very gates. Sound it out and let the whole earth hear: Modern missions came of a symphony o f prayer; and at the most unlikely hour of modern history, God’s intercessors in England, Scotland, Saxony, and America repaired the broken altar of supplication, and called down the heavenly fire. That was God’s way of preparation. The “monthly concert” made that prayer-spirit widespread- ing and permanent. The humble Baptists, in widow Wallis’s parlor at Kettering, made their covenant of missions; and regi-

10 The Fundamentals merits began to form and take up the line of march, until, be- fore the eighteenth century was a quarter through its course, the whole Church was joining the missionary army. Sydney Smith sneered at the “consecrated cobblers” and tried to rout them from their nest; but the motto of a despised few became the rallying cry of the whole Church of God. DIVINE CO-OPERATION IN MISSIONS We turn now to look at the history of the century as a missionary movement. Nothing is more remarkable than the rapid opening of doors in every quarter. At the beginning of the century the enterprise of missions seemed, to worldly wise and prudent men, hopeless and visionary. Cannibalism in the Islands of the Sea, fetishism in the Dark Continent, ex- clusivism in China and Japan, the rigid caste system in India, intolerance in papal lands, and ignorance, idolatry, superstition, depravity, everywhere, in most cases conspiring together, reared before the Church impassable walls, with gates of steel. Most countries shut out Christian missions by organized op- position, so that to attempt to bear the good tidings was to dare, death for Christ’s sake. The only welcome awaiting God’s messengers was that of cannibal ovens, merciless prisons, or martyr graves. OBSTACLES REMOVED As the little band advanced, on every hand the walls of op- position fell, and the iron gates opened of their own accord. India, Siam, Burma, China, Japan, Turkey, Africa, Mexico, South America, the Papal States and Korea were successively and successfully entered. Within five years, from 1853 to 1858, hew facilities were given to the entrance and occupa- tion of seven different countries, together embracing half the world’s population! There was also a remarkable subsidence of obstacles, like to the sinking of the land below the sea level to let in its flood, as when the idols of Oahu were abolished just before the first band of missionaries landed at the

The Superintending Providence of God 11 Hawaiian shores, or as when war strangely prepared the way just as Robert W. McAll went to Paris to set up his first sedie. MISSIONARIES CALLED AND PLACED At the same time God was raising up, in unprecedented numbers, men and women, so marvelously fitted for the exact work and fields as to show unmistakable foresight and pur- pose. The biographies of leading missionaries read like chap- ters where prophecy lights up history. Think of William Carey’s inborn adaptation as translator in India, of Living- stone’s career as missionary explorer and general in Africa, of Catherine Booth’s capacity as mother of the Salvation Army, of Jerry McAuley’s preparation for rescue work in New York City, of Alexander Duff’s fitness for educational •vork in India, of Àdoniram Judson’s schooling for thè build- ing of an apostolic church in Burma, of John Williams’ uncon- scious training for evangelist in the South Seas. Then mark the unity and continuity of labor —one worker succeeding an- other at crises unforeseen by man, as when Gordon left for the Sudan on the day when Livingstone's death was first known in Londòn, or Pilkington arrived in Uganda the very year when Mackay’s death was to leave a great gap to be filled. Then study the theology of inventions and watch the furnishing of new facilities for the work as it advanced. He who kept back the four greatest inventions of reformation times—the mariner’s compass, steam engine, printing press and paper—u ntil His Church put on her new garments, waited to unveil nature’s deeper secrets, which should make all men neighbors, until the reformed church was mobilized as an army of conquest! DIVINE INTERFERENCE At times this Superintending Providence of God has in- spired awe by unmistakably judicial strokes of judgment, as when in Turkey in 1839, in the crisis of missions, Sultan

12 The Fundamentals Mahmud suddenly died, and his edict of expulsion had no ex- ecutive to carry it out, and his successor Abdul Medjid sig- nalized the succession by the issuing of a new charter of liberty; or, as when in Siam, twelve years later, at another such crisis, God by death dethroned Chaum Klow, the reck- less and malicious, foe of missions, and set on the vacant throne Maha-Mong-Kut, the one man in the empire taught by a missionary and prepared to be the friend and patron of missions, as also his son and successor, Chulalangkorn! THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS These are but parts of His ways. The pages of the cen- tury’s history are here and there written in blood, but even the blood has a golden luster. Martyrs there have been, like John Williams, and Coleridge Patteson, and James Hanning- ton, Allen Gardiner, and Abraham Lincoln, and David Liv- ingstone, the Gordons of Erromanga and the Gordon of Khar- toum, the convert of Lebanon, and the court pages at Uganda; but every one of these deaths has been like seed which falls into the ground to die that it may bring forth fruit. The churches of Polynesia and Melanesia, of Syria and Africa, of India and China, stand rooted in these martyr graves as the oak stands in the grave of the acorn, or the wheat harvest in the farrows of the sown seed. It is part of God’s plan that thus the consecrated heralds of the cross shall fill up that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ in their flesh for His body’s sake which is the Church. THE DIVINE BENEDICTION OF MISSIONS The same Superintending Providence is seen in the results of missions. Two brief sentences fitly outline the whole situ- ation as to the direct results in the foreign field: First, native churches have been raised up with the three features of a complete church life; self-support, self-government, and self- propagation; and second, the richest fruits of Christianity, both in the individual and in the community, have been found

The Superintending Providence o f God 13 growing and ripening wherever there has been faithful Gospel effort. Then, as to the reflex action of missions on the church at home, two other brief sayings are similarly exhaustive: first, Thomas Chalmers’ remark that “foreign missions act on home missions, not by exhaustion, but by fermentation;” and second, Alexander Duff’s sage saying, that “the church that is no longer evangelistic, will cease to be evangelical,” The whole hundred years of missions is a historic com- mentary on these four comprehensive statements. God’s Word has never returned to Him void. Like the rain from heaven, it has come down, not to go back until it has made the earth to bring forth and bud, yielding not only bread for the eater, but seed for the sower, providing for salvation of souls and expansion of service. Everywhere God’s one everlasting sign has been wrought; instead of the thorn has come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier, the myrtle tree—t he soil of so- ciety exhibiting a total change in its products, as in the Fiji group, where a thousand -churches displace heathen fanes and cannibal ovens, or as among the Karens, where on opposing hills the Schway Mote Tou Pagoda confronts the Kho Thah Byu Memorial Hall, typical of the old and the new. Along the valley of the Euphrates churches have been planted by the score; with native pastors supported by self-denying tithes of their members. Everywhere the seed of the Word of God be- ing sown, it has sprung up in a harvest of renewed souls which in turn have become themselves the good seed of the kingdom, to become also the germs of a new harvest. CHURCHES AT HOME On the other hand, God has distinctly shown approval of missionary zeal and enthusiasm in the church at home which has supplied the missionaries. Spiritual prosperity and prog- ress may be gauged so absolutely by the measure of missionary activity, that the spirit of missions is now recognized as the spirit of Christ. The Scripture proverb is proven true : “There

14 The Fundamentals is that scattereth and yet increaseth, and there is that with- holdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty;” and Christ's paradox is illustrated: “The life that is saved is lost, and the life that is lost is saved.” Bishop Phillips Brooks compared the church that apologizes for doing nothing to spread the good news on the ground of its poverty and feeble- ness, to the parricide who, arraigned in court for his father’s murder, pleads for mercy on account of his orphanhood! The hundred years have demonstrated that “religion is a com- modity of which the more we export the more we have re- maining.”* The logic of events proves that the surest way to keep the church pure in faith and life, is to push missions with intelligence and holy zeal. MISSIONARY CHARACTERS What a distinct seal of God upon mission work is seen in the high ideals of character found in the missionaries them- selves! I f the workman leaves his impress on his work, it is no less true that the work leaves its mark on the workman. Even those who assail missions, applaud the missionaries; they may doubt the policy of sending the best men and women abroad to die by fever or violence, or waste their sweetness on the desert air; but even they do not doubt that the type of character, developed by mission work, is the highest known to humanity. In this field have ripened into beauty and fra- grance the fairest flowers and fruits of Christian life; and il- lustrated, as nowhere else, unselfish devotion to Christ, un- swerving loyalty to the Word, and unsparing sacrifice for men. Was it not Theodore Parker who said, that it was no waste to have spent all the money missions had cost, if they gave us one Judson? On the mission field are to be found, if any- where, the true succession of the apostles, the new accession *Mr. Crowninshield objected in the Senate of Massachusetts to the incorporation of the A. B. C. F. M. that it was designed to “export re- ligion, whereas there was none to spare from among ourselves.” This is Mr. White’s reply.

The Superintending Providence of God 15 to the goodly fellowship of the prophets, and the perpetual procession of the noble army of martyrs. Surely all this is the standing proof of the Superintending Providence of God. He who gave the marching orders gave at the same time the promise of His perpetual presence on the march; and He has kept His word: “Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end of the age.” At every step faith has seen the Invisible Captain of the Lord’s host, and, in all victories, behind the sword of Gideon, the sword of the Lord. GOD IN ALL In the Acts of the Apostles, within the compass of twenty verses, fifteen times God is put boldly forward as the one Actor in all events. Paul and Barnabas rehearsed, in the ears of the church at Antioch and afterward at Jerusalem, not what they had done for the Lord, but all that He had done with them, and how He had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles; what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them. And, in the same spirit, Peter, before the council, emphasizes how God had made His choice of him as the very mouth whereby the Gentiles should hear the word of the Gospel and believe; how He had given them the Holy Ghost and put no difference between Jew and Gentile, purify- ing their hearts by faith; and how He who knew all hearts had thus borne them witness.- Then James, in the same strain, refers to the way in which God had visited the Gen- tiles to take out of them a people for His name; and con- cludes by two quotations from the Old Testament which fitly sum up the whole matter: “The Lord who doeth all these things.” “Known unto God are all his works from the be- ginning of the world.” (Acts 14:27 to 15:18.) The meaning of such repeated phraseology cannot be mis- taken. God is thus presented as the one Agent or Actor, even conspicuous apostles, like Paul and Peter, being only His in- struments. No equal number of verses in the Word of God

16 The Fundamentals contain such emphatic and repeated lessons on man’s in- sufficiency and nothingness, and God’s all-sufficiency and al- mightiness. God was working upon man through man, choosing man to be His mouthpiece; with His key unlocking shut doors; Himself visiting the nations, taking out a people for His name, turning sinners into saints, purifying hearts and bearing them witness; He alone did all these wondrous things, according to His knowledge and plan of what He would do from the beginning. These are not the acts of the apostles, but the acts of God through the apostles. In the same spirit the praying saint of Bristol names his journal: “The Lord’s Dealings with George Müller.” g o d ’ s r e s e r v e s There is thus indeed, a Superintending Providence of God in foreign missions; the King is there in imperial conduct, the Lawgiver in authoritative decree; the Judge in reward and penalty: God, the eternal, marshalling the ages with their events; God, the omnipresent, in all places equally controlling; God, the omniscient, wisely adapting all things to His ends. The Father of spirits, discerning the mutual fitness of the worker and his work, raises up men of the times for the times. Himself deathless, His work is immortal though His workmen are mortal, and the building moves on from cor- nerstone to capstone, while dying builders give place to others. He has opened the doors and made sea and land the highways for international intercourse, and the avenues to international brotherhood. He has multiplied facilities for world-wide evangelization, practically annihilating time and space, and de- molishing even the barriers of language. The printing and circulating of the Bible in five hundred tongues, reverses the miracle of Babel and repeats the miracle of Pentecost. Within the past century the God of battles has been calling out His reserves. Three most conspicuous movements of the century were the creation of a new regiment of Medical Missions, the

17 The Superintending Providence of God Woman’s Brigade, and the Young People’s Crusade. The or- ganization of the Church Army is now so complete that but one thing more is needful; namely, to recognize the Invisible Captain of the I.ord s hosts as on the held, to hear His clarion call summoning us to the front, to echo His Word of com- mand ; and, in the firm faith of His leadership, pierce the very center of the foe, turn his staggering wings and move forward as one united host in one overwhelming charge. HISTORIC QUICKENINGS Perhaps the most conspicuous seal of God upon the mis- sion work of the past century is found in the spiritual quick- enings which have at some time visited with the power of God every field of labor which has been occupied in His name with energy of effort and persistence of prayer. We have called these “quickenings” rather than “revivals,” for revival really means a restoration of life-vigor after a season of lapse into indifference and inaction, and properly applies to the Chutch. We treat now of quickenings out of a state of absolute spirit- ual death; and again we point to these as the most indisputable and unanswerable sanction and seal of God on modern mis- sions. The following are among the most memorable of the century, arranged fo r convenience, in the order of time: 1815-1816. Tahiti, under the labors of Nott, Hayward, etc. 1818- 1823. Sierra Leone, under William A. B. Johnson. 1819- 1839. South Seas, under John Williams. 1822-1826. Hawaiian Islands, under Bingham, etc. 1831- 1835. New Zealand, under Samuel Marsden, etc. 1832- 1839. Burma and Karens, under Judson, etc. 1835-1839. Hilo and Puna, under Titus Coan. 1835-1837. Madagascar, under Griffiths, Johns, Baker, etc. 1842-1867. Germany, under J. Gerhard Oncken, etc.* 1844- 1850. Fiji Islands, under Hung and Calvert, etc. 1848-1872. Aneityum, under John Geddie, and others! 1845- 1895. Old Calabar, under J. J. Fuller, etc. 1845-1847. Persia, under Fidelia Fiske, etc. 1856-1863. North American Indians, under William Duncan.

The Fundamentals 1859-1861. English Universities, under D. L. Moody and others. 1863-1870. Egypt afid Nile Valley, under Drs. Lansing, Hogg, etc. 1863- 1888. China, generally, especially Hankow, etc. 1864- 1867. Euphrates District, under Crosby H. Wheeler, etc. 1867-1869. Aniwa, under John G. Patan, etc.


1872-1875. Japan, under J. H. Ballach, Verbeck, etc. 1872-1880. Paris, France, under Robert McAll. 1877-1878. Telugus, under Lyman Jewitt and Dr. Clough. 1877-1885. Formosa, under George L. Mackay. ' 1883-1890. Banza Manteke, under Henry Richards. 1893-1898. Uganda, under Pilkington, Roscoe, etc. Others might be added but these twenty-five instances sufficiently illustrate the fact that, throughout the wide domain of Christian effort, God has signally bestowed blessings. The instances italicized were marked by peculiar swift and sudden outpourings of spiritual power, and it will be seen that these form about half of the entire number, showing that God works in two very diverse ways, in some eases rewarding toil by rapid and sudden visitations of the Spirit, and in quite as many others by slower but equally sure growth and development. IN DIVERSE MANNERS ' It is also very noticeable that in almost every one of these marked outpourings some peculiar principle or law of God’s bestowment of blessing is exhibited and exemplified. For example, the work at Tahiti followed a long night of toil, and was the crown of peculiar persistence in the face of most stubborn resistance. At Sierra Leone, Johnson found about as hopeless a mass of humanity as ever was rescued from slave-ships, and he himself was an uneducated man, and at first an unordained layman. John Williams won his victories in the South Seas by the power of a simple proclamation of the Gospel, as an itinerant; and then first came into full view the power of native converts as evangelists. In the Hawaiian group and particularly in Hilo and Puna, it was the oral preaching to the multitudes that brought blessing—Titus Coan holding a three years’ camp- meeting:.

19 The Superintending Providence of God In New Zealand Marsden had first to lay foundations, pa- tiently and prayerfully, and showed great faith in the Gospel. Judson and Boardman, in Burma, found among the Karens a people whom God had mysteriously prepared, though a sub- ject and virtually enslaved race. Old Calabar was the scene of triumph over deep-rooted customs and age-long superstitions; in Persia, the blessing came upon an educational work attempted single-handed among women and girls. William Duncan in his Metlakahtla reared a model state out of Indians hitherto so fierce and hostile that he dared not assemble hostile tribes in one meeting. The re- vival in the English universities is especially memorable as the real birth-time of the Cambridge Mission Band and the Stu- dent Volunteer Movement which crystallized fully twenty-five years later. In Egypt the transformation was gradual, de- pendent on teaching as much as preaching, but it has made the Nile Valley one of the marvels of missionary triumph. In China the most marked features were the influence of medical missions and the raising up of a body of unpaid lay-evan- gelists, who itinerated through their own home territory. On the Euphrates the conspicuous feature was the organization of a large number of self-supporting churches on the tithe sys- tem—sometimes starting with only ten members—w ith native pastors. At Aniwa three and a half years saw an utter sub- version of the whole social fabric of idolatry. In Japan the signal success was found in the planting of the foundations of a native church, and the remarkable spirit of prayer out- poured on native converts. In Formosa, Mackay won his victo- ries by training a band of young men as evangelists, who with him went out to plant new missions. At Banza Man- teke, Richards came to a crisis, and ventured literally to obey the New Testament injunctions in the Sermon on the Mount— for example, “give to him that asketh thee.” In Uganda it was the new self-surrender and anointing of the missionaries, and reading of the Scriptures by the unconverted natives, on

20 The Fundamentals which God so singularly smiled. Pilkington said in London that he had never known three converts who had not been Bible readers. LESSONS ■ Thus, as v/e take the whole experience of tne century to- gether, we find the following, emphatic lessons taught us: 1. God has set special honor upon His own Gospel. Where it has been most simply and purely preached the larg- est fruits have ultimately followed. 2. The translation, publication, and public and private reading of the Scriptures have been particularly owned by the Spirit. 3. Schools, distinctively Christian, and consecrated to the purposes of education of a thoroughly Christian type, have been schools of the Spirit of God. 4. The organization of native churches, on a self-sup- porting basis with native pastors, and sending out their own members as lay evangelists, has been sealed with blessing. 5. The crisis has always been turned by prayer. At the most disheartening periods, when all seemed hopeless, patient waiting on God in faith has brought sudden and abundant floods of blessing. 6. The more complete self-surrender of missionaries themselves, and their new equipment by the Holy Spirit, has often been the opening of a new era to the native church and the whole work. These are lessons worth learning. The secrets of suc- cess are no different from what they were in apostolic days. “ t h e f i n g e r o f g o d ” Our God is the same God, and His methods do not es- sentially change. He has commanded us to go into all the world and preach the good tidings to the whole creation; and the promise, “Lo, I am with you alway,” is inseparable from

The Superintending Providence of God 21 obedience. In connection with this Gospel message He has given us certain prominent aids, which are by no means to be reckoned as belonging to a realm of minor importance, and among them Christian teaching, Bible searching, fervent prayer, and Holy Spirit power outrank all other conditions of successful service. The survey of the century is like reading new chapters in the Acts; no true believer can attempt it care- fully without finding a new Book of God in the history of this hundred years. Any man or woman who will take the score or more of marked quickenings we have outlined, and give a solid month to their consecutive study, will find all doubts dissipated that the living God has been at work, and that no field, however hard and stony and hopelessly barren, can ultimately resist culture on New Testament lines. In nothing do we need a new and clarified vision more than in the clear perception and conviction that the days of the super- natural are not past. Here is the school where these lessons are taught. Ten centuries of merely natural forces at work would never have wrought what ten years have accomplished, even when every human condition forbade success. A feeble band of missionaries in the midst of a vast host of the heathen have been compelled to master a foreign tongue, and often reduce it for the first time to written form, translate the Word of God, set up schools, win converts, and train them into consistent members and competent evangelists; remove mountains of ancestral superstitions and uproot syca- mine trees of pagan customs; establish medical missions, Christian colleges, create Christian literature, model society on a new basis; and they.have done all.this within the life- time of a generation, and sometimes within a decade of years! Even Pharaoh’s magicians would have been compelled to confess, “This is the finger of God!”


Whether or not there is a supreme personal intelligence, in- finite and eternal, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, the Creator, upholder and ruler of the universe, immanent in and yet transcending all things, gracious and merciful, the Father and Redeemer of mankind, is surely the profoundest problem that Can agitate the human mind. Lying as it does at the foundation of all man’s religious beliefs—as to responsibility and duty, sin and salvation, immortality and future blessed- ness, as to the possibility of a revelation, of an incarnation, of a resurrection, as to the value of prayer, the credibility of miracle, the reality of providence,—w ith the reply given to it are bound up not alone the temporal and eternal happiness of the individual, but also the welfare and progress of the race. Nevertheless, to it have been returned the most varied re- sponses. The Atheist, for example, asserts that there is no God. The Agnostic professes that he cannot tell whether there is a God or not. The Materialist boasts that he does not need a God, that he can run the universe without one. The (Bible) Fool wishes there was no God. The Christian answers that he cannot do without a God. I. THE ANSWER OF THE ATHEIST “ t h e r e i s n o g o d ” In these days it will hardly do to pass by this bold and confident negation by simply saying that the theoretical atheist is an altogether exceptional specimen of humanity, and that 22

Is There a God? 23 his audacious utterance is as much the outcome of ignorance as of impiety. When one meets in the “Hibbert Journal” from the pen of its editor such a statement as this: “Society abounds with earnest and educated persons who have lost faith in a living personal God, and see their fellows and fore- see themselves passing out of life entirely without hope,” and when Blatchford in the English “Clarion” writes: “There is no Heavenly Father watching tenderly over us, His creatures, He is the baseless shadow of a wistful dream,” it becomes ap- parent that theoretical atheism is not extinct, even in cultured circles, and that some observations with regard to it may still be needful. Let these observations be the following: 1. Belief that there is no God does not amount to a dem- onstration that no God is. Neither, it is true, does belief that God is prove the truth of the proposition except to the indi- vidual in whose heart that belief has been awakened by the Divine Spirit. To another than him it is destitute of weight as an argument in support of the theistic position. At the same time it is of importance, while conceding this, to empha- size the fact that disbelief in the existence of a Divine Being is not equivalent to a demonstration that there is no God. 2. Such a demonstration is from the nature of the case impossible. Here again it may be true as Kant contends that reason cannot demonstrate (that is, by logic) the existence of God; but it is equally true, as the same philosopher admits, that reason can just as little disprove the existence of God. It was well observed by the late Prof. Calderwood of the Edin- burgh University that “the divine existence is a truth so plain that it needs no proof, as it is a truth so high that it admits of none.” But the situation is altered when it comes to a posi- tive denial of that existence. The idea of God once formed in the mind, whether as an intuition or as a deduction, cannot be laid aside without convincing evidence that it is delusive and unreal. And such evidence cannot be produced. As Dr. Chalmers long ago observed, before one can positively assert

24 The Fundamen tals that there is no God, he must arrogate to himself the wisdom and ubiquity of God. He must explore the entire circuit of the universe to be sure that no God is there. He must have interrogated all the generations of mankind and all the hier- archies of heaven to be certain they had never heard of a God. In short, as Chalmers puts it, “For man not to know God, he has only to sink beneath the level of our common nature. But to deny God he must be God himself.” 3. Denial o f the divine existence is not warranted by in- ability to discern traces of God’s presence in the universe. Prof. Huxley, who once described himself in a letter to Charles Kingsley as “exactly what the Christian world called, and, so far as he could judge, was justified in calling him, an atheist and infidel,” appeared to think it was. “I cannot see,” he wrote, “one shadow or tittle of evidence that the Great Un- known underlying the phenomena of the universe stands to us in the relation of a Father, loves us and cares for us as Chris- tianity asserts.” Blatchford also with equal emphasis affirms: “I cannot believe that God is a personal God who interferes in human affairs. I cannot see in science, or in experience, or in history, any signs o f such a God or of such intervention.” Neither of these writers, however, it may be presumed, would on reflection advance their incapacity to perceive the foot- prints or hear the voices of the Creator as proof that no Creator existed, any more than a blind man would maintain there was no sun because he could not see it, or a deaf man would contend there was no sound because he never heard it. The incapacity of Huxley and Blatchford to either see or hear God may, and no doubt does, serve as an explanation of their atheistical creed, but assuredly it is no justification of the same, since a profounder reasoner than either has said: “The in- visible things of God since the creation of the world are clear- ly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even His everlasting power and divinity; so that they [who believe not] are without excuse.”

Is There a God?


4. The majority of mankind, not in Christian countries only, but also in heathen lands, from the beginning of the world onward, have believed in the existence of a Supreme Being. They may frequently, as Paul says, have “changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds and four-footed beasts and creep- ing t h i n g s b u t deeply seated in their natures, debased though these were by sin, lay the conception of a Superhuman Power to whom they owed allegiance and whose favor was indis- pensable to their happiness. I t was a saying of Plutarch that in his day a man might travel the world over without finding a city without temples and gods; in, our day isolated cases have been cited of tribes—t he Andaman Islanders by Sir John Lubbock, and the Fuegians, by Admiral Fitzroy-—w ho have exhibited no signs that they possessed a knowledge either of God or of religion. But it is at least open to question whether the investigators on whose testimony such instances are ad- vanced did not fail to discover traces of what they sought either through want of familiarity with the language of the natives, or through starting with the presupposition that the religious conceptions of the natives must be equally exalted with their own. In any case, on the principle that exceptions prove the rule, it may be set down as incontrovertible that the vast majority of mankind have possessed some idea of a Supreme Being; so that if the truth or falsehood of the proposition, “There is no God,” is to be determined by the counting of votes, the question is settled in the negative, that is, against the atheist’s creed. II . THE CONFESSION OF THE AGNOSTIC “ l CANNOT TELL WHETHER THERE IS A GOD OR NOT” Without dogmatically affirming that there is no God, the Agnostic practically insinuates that whether there is a God or not, nobody can tell and it does not much matter—t hat man with his loftiest powers of thought and reason and with his

26 The Fundamentals best appliances of research, cannot come to speech with God or obtain reliable information concerning Him, can only build up an imaginary picture, like an exaggerated or overgrown man, and call that God— in other words, can only make a God after his own image and in his own likeness without being sure whether any corresponding reality stands behind it, or even if there is, whether that reality can be said to come up to the measure of a Divine Being or be entitled to be designated God. The agnostic does hot deny that behind the phenomena of the universe there may be a Power, but whether there is or not, and if there is, whether that Power is a Force or a Person, are among the things unknown and unknowable, so that practically, God feeing outside and beyond the sphere of man’s knowledge, it can never be of consequence whether there be a God or not—■ it can never be more than a subject of curious speculation, like that which engages the leisure time of some astronomers, whether there be inhabitants in the planet Mars or not. As thus expounded, the creed of the agnostic is open to serious objections. t. • I t entirely ignores the spiritual factor in man’s nature, —e ither denying the soul’s existence altogether, or viewing it as merely a function of the body; or, if regarding it as a sepa- rate entity distinct from the body, and using its faculties to ap- prehend and reason about external objects, yet denying its ability to discern spiritual realities. On either alternative, it is contradicted by both Scripture and experience. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible proceeds upon the assumption that man is more than “six feet of clay,” “curiously carved and wondrously articulated,” that “there is a spirit in man,” and that this spirit has power not only to apprehend things unseen but to come into touch with God and to be touched by Him, or, in Scripture phrase, to see and know God and to be seen and known by Him. Nor can it be denied that man is conscious of being thore than animated matter, and of having power to apprehend more than comes within the range of his senses, for

Is There a God? 27 he can and does entertain ideas and cherish feelings that have at least no direct connection with the senses, and can originate thoughts, emotions and volitions that have not been excited by external objects. And as to knowing God, Christian ex- perience attests the truth of Scripture when it says that this knowledge is no figure of speech or illusion of the mind, but a sober reality. I t is as certain as language can make it that Abraham and Jacob, Moses and Joshua, Samuel and David, Isaiah and Jeremiah, had no doubt whatever that they knew God and were known of Him; and multitudes of Christians exist to-day whom it would not be easy to convince that they could not and did not know God, although not through the medium of the senses or even of the pure reason. 2. I t takes for granted that things cannot he adequately known unless they are fully known. This proposition, how- ever, cannot be sustained in either Science or Philosophy, in ordinary life or in religious experience. Science knows there are such things as life (vegetable and animal), and force (electricity and magnetism for example), but confesses its ignorance of what life and force are as to their essence—all that is understood about them being their properties and effects. Philosophy can expound the laws of thought, but is baffled to unriddle the secret of thought itself, how it is ex- cited in the soul by nerve-movements caused by impressions from without, and how it can express itself by originating counter movements in the body. In ordinary life human be- ings know each other adequately for all practical purposes while aware that in each there are depths which the other cannot fathom, each being shut off from the other by what Prof. Dods calls “the limitations of personality.” Nor is the case different in religious experience. The Christian, like Paul, may have no difficulty in saying, “Christ liveth in me,” but he cannot explain to himself or others, how. Hence the inference must be rejected that because the finite mind cannot fully comprehend the infinite, therefore it cannot know the

28 The Fundamentals infinite at all, and must remain forever uncertain whether there is a God or not. Scripture, it should be noted, does not say that any finite mind can fully find out God; but it does say that men'may know God from the things which He has made, and more especially from the Image of Himself which has been furnished in Jesus Christ, so that if they fail to know Him, they are without excuse. 3. I t virtually undermines the foundations of morality. For if one cannot tell whether there is a God or not, how can one be sure that there is any such thing as morality? The distinctions between right and wrong which one makes in the regulation of his conduct may be altogether baseless. It is true a struggle may be made to keep them up out of a pru- dential regard for future safety, out of a desire to be on the winning side in case there should be a God. But it is doubt- ful if the imperative “ought” would long resound within one’s soul, were the conclusion once reached that no one could tell whether behind the phenomena of nature or of conscious- ness there was a God or not. Morality no more than religion can rest on uncertainties. I I I . TH E BOAST OF THE MATERIALIST “ l DO NOT NEED A GOD, I CAN RUN THE UNIVERSE WITHOUT ONE Only grant him to begin with an ocean of atoms and a force to set them in motion and he will forthwith explain the mystery of creation. If we have what he calls a scientific imagination, he will let us see the whole process,—the molecules or atoms circling and whirling, dancing and skipping, combining and dividing, advancing and retiring, selecting partners and form- ing groups, closing in their ranks and opening them out again, building up space-filling masses, growing hotter and hotter as they wheel through space, whirling swifter and swifter, till through sheer velocity they swell and burst, after which they break up into fragments and cool down into a complete planet- ary system.

Is There a God? 29 Inviting us to light upon this globe, the materialist will show us how through long centuries, mounting up to millions of years, the various rocks which form the earth’s crust were deposited. Nay, if we will dive with him to the bottom of the ocean he will point out the first speck of dead matter that sprang into life, protoplasm, though he cannot tell when or how. Having startled us with this, he will lead us up the Great Staircase of Nature with its 26 or 27 steps, and tell us how on this step the vegetable grew into an animal, and how after many more steps the animal became a man, and thus the whole evolutionary drama will be unrolled. Concerning this theory of the universe, however, it is perti- nent to make these remarks: 1. Taken at its full value, with unquestioning admission of the alleged scientific facts on which it is based, it is at best only an inference or working hypothesis, which may or may not be true and which certainly cannot claim to be beyond dispute. 2 . So far from securing universal acceptance, it has been repudiated by scientists' of the highest repute. “The Kant- Laplace theory of the origin of the solar System by the whirl- ing masses of nebulous matter, till rings flew off and became the worlds we see,” says a German writer, “can no more be defended by any scientist” (Neue Kirchliche Zeitschrift, 1905, p. 957). The attempt to explain in this way the origin of the universe, says Merz, can be described as “belonging to the romance of science” (European Thought in the 19th Cent., p. 285). Indeed Laplace himself put it forward “with great reserve, and only as a likely suggestion” (ibid., p. 285), As regards the derivation of man from the lower animals, it is enough to remember that the late Prof. Virchow maintained that “we cannot designate it as a revelation of science, that man descends from the ape or from any other animal” (Nature, Dec. 8, 1877) ; that Prof. Paulsen, speaking of Haeckel, says “he belongs already to a dead generation,” and calls his theory

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