The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.6

PUBLISHERS’ NOTICE As stated in previous volumes of ‘ The Fundamentals,” this series of books is being sent free to every pastor, evangelist, missionary, theo- logical professor, theological' student, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. secretary, and editor of a religious paper, throughout the English- speaking world, so far as the addresses can be obtained. Particular attention is hereby called to the following points: 1. Changes of address should be promptly reported. Write plainly both the old and new addresses in full. ■2. Any person entitled to these books (see above classes) who has not received the earlier volumes may obtain them upon application. State plainly which volumes are wanted, and state also the line of Christian work engaged in and the .denominational affiliation. After an order is sent in, allow at least two weeks (and more if from a distance) for filling it. 3. In case any person receives two or more copies of any one vol- ume, kindly notify us. These books are too valuable and the demand for them too great to permit waste through duplication. However, where extra copies have been received, they need not be returned, but may be loaned or otherwise placed in circulation. 4. There is an increasing demand for these books on the part of the laity, and to meet this demand each volume is being furnished postpaid at a cost of fifteen cents per copy, eight copies for one dol- lar, or one hundred copies for ten dollars. (In Great Britain, 8d; 4s 2d; and £2 Is Id, respectively.) These prices will be applied to the cost of issuing future volumes. 5. Do not send currency or personal checks. Remit by postoffice money order, or by bank draft on Chicago, New York, or London, making the same payable to the Testimony Publishing Company. 6. Foreign correspondents should be careful to prepay card and letter postage in full. Otherwise we are compelled to pay double the amount of the deficiency. 7. Please bear in mind that we publish nothing except “The Funda- mentals,” and do not issue any catalogue. In conclusion, we would emphasize once more the great importance of writing plainly and briefly, and always giving full address —s treet - (or rural route) number, postoffice, state, and (if outside of the United States) country. Much time and delay will be saved by carefully reading and comply- ing with the foregoing directions. TESTIMONY PUBLISHING COMPANY,

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