The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.6

17 The Superintending Providence of God Woman’s Brigade, and the Young People’s Crusade. The or- ganization of the Church Army is now so complete that but one thing more is needful; namely, to recognize the Invisible Captain of the I.ord s hosts as on the held, to hear His clarion call summoning us to the front, to echo His Word of com- mand ; and, in the firm faith of His leadership, pierce the very center of the foe, turn his staggering wings and move forward as one united host in one overwhelming charge. HISTORIC QUICKENINGS Perhaps the most conspicuous seal of God upon the mis- sion work of the past century is found in the spiritual quick- enings which have at some time visited with the power of God every field of labor which has been occupied in His name with energy of effort and persistence of prayer. We have called these “quickenings” rather than “revivals,” for revival really means a restoration of life-vigor after a season of lapse into indifference and inaction, and properly applies to the Chutch. We treat now of quickenings out of a state of absolute spirit- ual death; and again we point to these as the most indisputable and unanswerable sanction and seal of God on modern mis- sions. The following are among the most memorable of the century, arranged fo r convenience, in the order of time: 1815-1816. Tahiti, under the labors of Nott, Hayward, etc. 1818- 1823. Sierra Leone, under William A. B. Johnson. 1819- 1839. South Seas, under John Williams. 1822-1826. Hawaiian Islands, under Bingham, etc. 1831- 1835. New Zealand, under Samuel Marsden, etc. 1832- 1839. Burma and Karens, under Judson, etc. 1835-1839. Hilo and Puna, under Titus Coan. 1835-1837. Madagascar, under Griffiths, Johns, Baker, etc. 1842-1867. Germany, under J. Gerhard Oncken, etc.* 1844- 1850. Fiji Islands, under Hung and Calvert, etc. 1848-1872. Aneityum, under John Geddie, and others! 1845- 1895. Old Calabar, under J. J. Fuller, etc. 1845-1847. Persia, under Fidelia Fiske, etc. 1856-1863. North American Indians, under William Duncan.

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