The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.6

The Fundamentals 1859-1861. English Universities, under D. L. Moody and others. 1863-1870. Egypt afid Nile Valley, under Drs. Lansing, Hogg, etc. 1863- 1888. China, generally, especially Hankow, etc. 1864- 1867. Euphrates District, under Crosby H. Wheeler, etc. 1867-1869. Aniwa, under John G. Patan, etc.


1872-1875. Japan, under J. H. Ballach, Verbeck, etc. 1872-1880. Paris, France, under Robert McAll. 1877-1878. Telugus, under Lyman Jewitt and Dr. Clough. 1877-1885. Formosa, under George L. Mackay. ' 1883-1890. Banza Manteke, under Henry Richards. 1893-1898. Uganda, under Pilkington, Roscoe, etc. Others might be added but these twenty-five instances sufficiently illustrate the fact that, throughout the wide domain of Christian effort, God has signally bestowed blessings. The instances italicized were marked by peculiar swift and sudden outpourings of spiritual power, and it will be seen that these form about half of the entire number, showing that God works in two very diverse ways, in some eases rewarding toil by rapid and sudden visitations of the Spirit, and in quite as many others by slower but equally sure growth and development. IN DIVERSE MANNERS ' It is also very noticeable that in almost every one of these marked outpourings some peculiar principle or law of God’s bestowment of blessing is exhibited and exemplified. For example, the work at Tahiti followed a long night of toil, and was the crown of peculiar persistence in the face of most stubborn resistance. At Sierra Leone, Johnson found about as hopeless a mass of humanity as ever was rescued from slave-ships, and he himself was an uneducated man, and at first an unordained layman. John Williams won his victories in the South Seas by the power of a simple proclamation of the Gospel, as an itinerant; and then first came into full view the power of native converts as evangelists. In the Hawaiian group and particularly in Hilo and Puna, it was the oral preaching to the multitudes that brought blessing—Titus Coan holding a three years’ camp- meeting:.

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