The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.6

FOREWORD We rejoice that we are able to place another volume of “The Fundamentals” in the hands of English-speaking Prot- estant pastors, evangelists, missionaries, theological profess- ors, theological students, Y. M. C. A. secretaries, Y. W. C. A. secretaries, Sunday school superintendents, religious editors, and lay-workers throughout the earth. May it be as abun- dantly blessed as its predecessors have been by the grace of God, unto the strengthening of saints, unto the defense of the truth against the insidious attacks of the present day, and unto the conversion of sinners. It goes forth accompanied by the prayers of many thou- sand Christians, who, in hearty answer to suggestions made in preceding volumes, have formed a Circle of Prayer and are upholding before the throne of grace the work of “The B'un- damentals ’ and of the Committee to which the two Christian laymen have entrusted the editing and publishing of these books. We very earnestly request other faithful believers to join this circle of prayer in order that in answer to believing and united prayer, the truth may “run and be glorified” and a world-wide revival of true religion be started. (James 5:16, last clause.) We hope that many others will yet join our circle of prayer, and thus strengthen our hands in faith, and we ,ask all the friends of “The Fundamentals” for a special prayer that He who answers prayer may so lead and guide in the undertaking that lasting results may be brought to pass unto His glory. All editorial correspondence should he addressed to “The Fundamentals ,” 123 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincin- nati, Ohio, U. S. A. All business correspondence should be addressed to “Testi- mony Publishing Company ” 808 LaSalle Avenue, Chicago, III., U .S . A.

(See Publishers’ Notice, Page 128.)

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