The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.6

34 The Fundamentals as were wholly unfitting in the lips of a mere man, and much more of a sinful man, declaring Himself to be the Light of the World and the Bread of Life: giving out that He had power to forgive sins and to raise the dead ; that He had pre-existed before He came to earth and would return to that pre-existent state when His work was done, which work was to die for men's sins ; that He would rise from the dead and ascend up into heaven, both of which He actually did ; and asserting that He was the Son of God, the equal of the Father and the future Judge of mankind. The Christian studying this picture perceives that, while to it belong the lineaments of a man, it also wears the likeness of a God, and he reasons that if that picture was drawn from the life (and how otherwise could it have been drawn?) then a God must once have walked this earth in the person of Jesus. For the Christian no other con- clusion is possible. Certainly not that of the New Theology, which makes of Jesus a sinful man, distinguishing Him from Christ, the so-called ideal figure of the creeds, and calling Him divine only in the sense that other men are divine though in a lesser degree than He. But even the New Theology cannot escape from the implication of its own creed. For if Jesus was the divinest man that ever lived on earth, then naturally His Word should carry .more weight than that of any other, and He taught emphatically, not only that there was a personal God whose Son He was, but that men should pray : “Our Father which art in Heaven.” 3. Without a God the Christian cannot understand the facts of his own consciousness. Take first the idea of God of which he finds himself pos- sessed on arriving at the age of intelligence and responsibility. How it comes to pass that this great idea should arise within him if no such being as God exists, is something he cannot understand. To say that he has simply inherited it from his parents or absorbed it from his contemporaries is not to solve the problem, but only to put it back from generation to gen-

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