36 The Fundamentals The only reasonable account he can furnish of it is that he has been laid hold of by an unseen but Superhuman Power, so that he feels constrained to say like Paul: “B.y the grace of God I am what I am.” And not only so, but as the result of this inward change upon his nature, he realizes that he stands in a new relation' to that Supreme Power which has quickened and renewed him, that he can and does enter into personal communion with Him through Jesus Christ, address- ing to Him prayers and receiving from Him benefits and bless- ings in answer to those prayers. These experiences of which the Christian is conscious may be characterized by the non-Christian as illusions, but to the Christian they are realities; and being realities they make it simply impossible for him to believe there is no God. Rather they inspire him with confidence that God is, and is the Re- warder of them that diligently seek Him, and that of Him and through Him and to Him are all things; to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
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