The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.6

6 The Fundamentals the supernatural, and even the wrath of man to the love and grace of God. MANIFESTATIONS OF GOD Thus, intermediate between the mystery of creation and the mystery of the new creation lies the mystery of history, linking the other two. We are now briefly to trace the work- ing of the Creator and Ruler of both the matter worlds and time worlds, controlling the blind forces of nature and the in- telligent forces of human nature, so as to make all events and agencies serve His ends as Redeemer. In creation God specially manifests His eternity, power and wisdom; in history, His sovereignty and majesty, justice and righteousness ; in redemption, His holiness and benevo- lence, and, most of all, grace or the voluntary exercise of His love. These positions being granted, we may expect to find, especially in mission history, proofs of God’s Superintending Providence, of His three-fold administration as Lawgiver, King, and Judge; in His legislative capacity, commanding and counseling ; in His executive capacity,governing and directing ; in His judicial capacity, rewarding and punishing. Space allows only a general glance as of a landscape from.a moun- tain top. GOD S ENTERPRISE The work of missions is pre-eminently God’s enterprise— has on it the seal of His authority. He calls it His own “visit- ing of the nations to take out of them a people for His name.” Thus the whole course of missions becomes God’s march through the ages. He has His vanguard, the forerunners that prepare His way, making ready for, and heralding, His ap- proach. He has His bodyguard, the immediate attendants that signalize His actual advance, bear His banners, and execute His will ; and He has His rearguard the resultant movements consequent upon, and complementary to, the rest. In other words, God’s Superintending Providence in mis- sions is seen from three points of view :

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