The Fundamentals though they are cold. The Scriptures speak of His attitude toward His incarnate Son as one of unbounded appreciation and approval, and tell us that His voice was heard repeatedly from heaven, saying: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” When we say that the sacrifice of Christ is meritorious with God, we mean that it calls forth His su- preme admiration. Such was His feeling toward it as He foresaw it from eternity; such was His feeling toward it as He looked upon it while being made; and such is His feeling toward it now, as He looks back upon it and glorifies Christ in honor of it. 8. ^It must find that the work of Christ has made a vast difference in the relations of God to the fallen world. It was infinite in the love which prompted it and in the self- sacrifice which attended it, and hence infinite in its moral value. We can not but deem it fitting that it should procure for the world an administration of grace. Provided for eter- nity and efficacious with God from eternity, it has procured an administration of grace from the moment when the first sin was committed! No doubt it is for this reason that God has suffered the world to stand through all the ages of its rebellious history. He has looked upon it from the beginning in Christ, and hence has treated it with forbearance, with love, with mercy. It did not first come under grace when Christ was crucified; it has always been under grace, because Christ has always offered His sacrifice in the plan and purpose of God, and thus has always exercised a propitiatory influence. The grace of God toward man was not fully revealed and explained till it was made manifest in the person and work of Christ, but it has ^always been the reigning principle of the divine government. fMen are saved by grace since the death of Christ, and they have always been saved by grace when they have been saved 'at alUThe entire argument of the Apostle Paul in his espistles to the Romans and the Galatians has for its purpose the de-
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