Biola Broadcaster - 1967-01

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR CALIFORNIA Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo 9:00 A.M. MTWTF r i KOAG 1280


BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 7, No. 1 JANUARY, 1967 STAFF President ... ........ .... S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor ...................... ALSANDERS Production _____________ BILL EHMANN Printing ...................... .CHURCH PRESS Published monthly by the Rndlo Department BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 13800 Bloln Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638 CONTENTS FEAR ...... 3 UNDISCIPLINED LIVING .......... 5 DEMON IC ACT IV ITY .'.............. 7 GOD'S GREATNESS ".................. 9 GOD'S M A N ............................11 PANEL DISCUSSION ................. 13 COMFORT IN T R IA L S ............... 19 W ISDOM FROM GOD ............... 21 THE PERFECT GIFT .................23 PARABLES AN D PEARLS ..........27 NEHEM IAH ........ 31 COVER: George Albert Budy, gradu­ ate of the Blola School of Missionary Medicine, missionary evangelist, pilot and dental technician is shown on this month's cover working in his clinic in Acconchi, Sonora, Mexico. His old­ est daughter, Miriam, is seen assist­ ing her father. Controlled circulation postage paid at La Mirada, California


550 4:00 P.M. Sun 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 1130 8:30 A.M.MTWTF 1570 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 10:30 P.M. MTWTF 910 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 1400 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 1570 9:30 A.M.MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. 1080 8:30 A.M. Sun. 99.1 (FM) 8:30 A.M. Sun. 102.9 (FM) 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M.MTWTF 910 4:00 P.M. Sun. 1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 1440 10:30 P.M. Sun. 1390 10:30 A.M. MTWTF OREGON 790 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 580 10:35 A.M. MTWTF 630 8:30 A.M. MWF 800 11:30 A.M.MTWTF 93.7 (FM) 11:30 A.M. MTWTF WASHINGTON 107.5 (FM) 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 1460 9:00 A.M.MTWTF


Fresno-Dinuba KRDU Lodi-Stockton KCVR Los Angeles KBBI


Los Angeles-Long 1 Beach KGER


Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KO XR

Redding-Red Bluff KQMS

San Bernardino-Riverside RACE


Santa Cruz KSCO San Diego KBBW KSCO


San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY

Turlock KCEY

Albany-Eugene KW IL


Ashland-Medford KW IN Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO

Portland KPDQ KPDQ

Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KA RI

550 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 1330 11:30 A.M.MTWTF 1490 8:00 A.M.MWF 1390 9:30 A.M. MTWTF

Seattle-Tacoma KGDN

Spokane KCFA

Walla Walla KTEL



(Radio Log continued on page 24)

YOUR CHR ISTIAN WILL Did you know that there is a way fo invest in Biola for tho training of students while saving costly estate faxes! Ultimately you may be able to leave more money for your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information Or COUnSOl. BIOLA STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT

H I M A r m i / , n n r u i n K r n . n r u p . I

FEAR by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

I T IS TREMENDOUSLY SIGNIFICANT to observe the rapid increase in men­ tal illness during these latter days. In the E n c y c lo p ed ia Britannica Yearbook for 1966 we read, “Psychi­ atric disorders of later life are a ma­ jor growing problem and are respon­ sible for overcrowding in psychiatric hospitals.” Dr. S. I. McMillan, a Christian doctor, writes in his book, None of These Diseases: “About nine billion Americans suffer from emotional and mental illness. As many hospi­ tal beds are filled by the mentally de­ ranged as are occupied by all medi­ cal and surgical patients combined. In fact, one out of every twenty Americans will have a psychotic dis­ turbance severe enough to confine him to a hospital for the insane.” (Some predictions forecast that rate to be as high as one out of every ten.) Dr. McMillan continues, “Men­ tal disease is the nation’s number one health problem.” A closer look at this fact reveals what it costs annually to care for these disturbed people. This figure is about one billion dollars. Of course, outside of the asylums, there are vast numbers who are incapable of supporting themselves. This is an added burden on the taxpayer. The noted psychologist, Dr. Carl Jung, is quoted as saying, “Among all of my

patients in the second half of life [over thirty-five], there has not been one whose problem, in the last resort, was that of not finding a religious outlook on life. It seems to me that side by side with the decline of re­ ligious life the neurosis grows no­ ticeably more frequent.” There is no possible denial of the growth in mental illness in recent years. We can readily see that it will increase in the days ahead. What is seen in the last days of the church age will be intensified during the Great Tribulation. There are drives for many chari­ table causes today; however, one of the most pressing is that for mental health research. It seems such a popular thing to see one’s psychia­ trist. Yet all of this is an indication of a growing and serious sickness in society. The Bible gives us a great deal of light through the prophetic Scrip­ tures on this subject. Mental illness can be traced to at least three fun­ damental basic causes. The first, sim­ ply stated, is “fear.” Of course, some fears help to preserve life. One may not jump from a building because he fears injury or death. Most fears, however, are detrimental. “Fear not” is found scores of times in the Word of God. The unbe­ lieving have many fears. The Scrip-

should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.” There is no bondage of fear intended for the believer (Rom. 8:15). In II Timothy 1:7 we see that God has made provision for us to be liberated and found absolutely fear­ less through trusting Him. The fear of the Lord, spoken of in the Old Testament, is an alto­ gether different matter. This means piety, godly trust or reverential fear (Psalm 111:10; Prov. 1:7). Today the world is in the very foreshadowing of the times spoken of in Luke 21:26. Here the Saviour tells about Jerusalem which will be trodden down of the Gentiles. Notice what verse 25 tells us, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with per­ plexity; the sea and the waves roar­ ing; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” We read here of “men fainting” ; the word in the original suggests expiring or dying. The rea­ son is fear, that which is so devas­ tating to mental health. A minister of the Gospel testified, “I remember once lying in bed, and taking fright. I heard my own heart beat, but I thought it was someone knocking at the door. I rose and opened the door more than once be­ fore I discovered that the sound was in my own breast.” Yes, fear is grip­ ping and compelling. It is devastat­ ing and overpowering. If you are living in the midst of fears, remem­ ber, as a believer, Christ has con­ quered all fear for you. If you are not a believer, trust Him and you will not be afraid or ashamed for time and eternity. * * * If you aim at heaven, you'll get earth thrown In; while if you aim at earth, you'll get neither one. * * * 4

ture tells us that Israel, God’s peo­ ple, in unbelief will fear in the morning and at night. They will say, “Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see” (Deut. 28:66-67). During Hitler’s rampages, perse­ cutions and diabolical oppressions, Eddie Cantor, at a Hollywood ban­ quet, declared, “For the first time in our existence here in America we Jews are afraid. It could happen here.” In Psalms 14:5 we see that fear comes from a lack of trust in God, or from a lack of a desire to ac­ knowledge the Lord at all. “There were they in great fear.” This is a natural sequence from the first verse telling us that “The fool has said in his heart, There is no God.” When man comes to this pitiful state, he is left to all kinds of fears and fore­ bodings. Atheism brings fear which can be actual or merely imagined. In Psalms 53:5 we read, “There were they in great fear where no fear was.” Without question the greatest fear which grips mankind is that of death. Christ died on Calvary that He might vanquish death and Satan. For this reason believers are freed from the fear of death. Those who live during the Great Tribulation will experience unprecedented fear. The Lord will arise to shake terribly the earth. We read in Revelation 11:11 and 18:10 about God’s com­ plete judgment on mystery Babylon. While the world is gripped with fears, listen to the believer’s testi­ mony from Psalms 27:1-3: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host

W hile fear is one of the basic causes for the increase in men­ tal illness during these latter days, the second contributing factor of the three is undisciplined living. The Word of God gives us many interest­ ing and graphic descriptions of this characteristic. In II Timothy 3:14 we read a list of 19 signs of the desperate times in which we are living. The Spirit of God gives us a very revealing analy­ sis here. Unfortunately, many of these signs are found in the profess­ ing church, where people revert prac­ tically to the pagan conditions men­ tioned in the first chapter of Ro­ mans. In these most descriptive words, the all-characterizing phrase is, “without self-control.” This sum­ marizes the entire gamut of undis­ ciplined behavior. This passage talks about the lack of discipline as to self. People are rightly described as being lovers of self, lovers of pleasure and haughty. If you don’t think individuals are lovers of self, you have probably for­ gotten that popular song that goes, “I love me, I love me, I sit with my­ self on the park bench,” etc. See the recent statistics of how America spends her money: over thirty billion dollars for gambling, far beyond that for crime, twenty billion for al­ coholic beverages, five billion for to­ bacco. On the other hand, America annually spends (a total figure) one hundred and thirty million for mis­ sions. What a pittance compared with selfish indulgences! We are liv­ ing in an age like that of the first century when the citizens had given themselves over to such pleasure and abandonment that they had to invent new devices to excite and stimulate their worn-out and spent passions. In these last times men are also

undisciplined as to possessions. They are lovers of money. We hear about the golden calf being worshipped at Mt. Sinai. America, however, is worshipping a green calf. A young man once asked his wealthy father how much money it took to make a man satisfied. The wise parent sagely replied, “Always a little more.” Looking at some folk, one can see dollar signs in the pupils of their eyes. Contentment is never attained. Our age is characterized by un­ disciplined, boastful men and its peo­ ple are called railers, slanderers and the like. Think of the undisciplined life in our nation as far as home au­ thority is concerned. “Disobedient to parents” is the way Scripture puts it. How true with multiple murders throughout the land. How can we ex­ pect children who know nothing of home authority, to be tolerant of civil, governmental or heavenly au­ thority? Listen to what Paul writes of peo-

Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, dean of the Talbot Theological Seminary, goes over several ver­ sions of the Bible in his work with the Lock- man Foundation in preparing manuscripts for revision of the Old Testament, American Stand­ ard Version. Dr. Feinberg wil be Bible teacher for Biota's tour through Europe and the Holy Land June 5 to 26, 1967.


state in life because they have not disciplined themselves; they have been disobedient to God’s warning along life’s pathways.” Yes, undisciplined living is work­ ing a world of havoc in mental health. One time, when Huxley was on his way to a meeting of the Brit­ ish Science Association in Dublin, Ireland, he had arrived late at the station. Jumping into a cab he urged, “Drive fast!” Away went the cab, jostling over the streets. After a few hurried moments, Huxley YOUR TEMPER When people "lose their temper" It doesn't always stay In just the place they lost it. But travels miles away; And when they wind and bind it, It may be it has done A mischief never to be healed Unto the farthest sun. When people "lose their temper," It runs and rages far, It strikes at friends as well as foes. Not caring who they are; And when its cruel force is spent, Its words and deeds go on Down many ways through many days, Unreckoned and unknown. When people "lose their temper," It never stays that way— Its owner always finds it To use another day. asked the driver, “Do you know where you’re going?” He had to smile at the appropriate response, “No, I’m just driving fast.” This is a picture of the world today, driving without a purpose, driving fast but going nobody knows where. There is restlessness without an objective. Friends, mental illness is directly and inseparably related to undisci­ plined living. May God lead you into a sure place of understanding and wisdom on this vital point. So now instead of losing it Just place it in God's care. And nevermore will it be lost If you'll just leave it there.

pie in the last days, “without nat­ ural affection.” In each edition of the paper we hear of awful things mothers are doing to their children. Doctors are now compelled to report how many children are mutilated and even put to death by the insane beatings and floggings of parents who are beside themselves. They are undisciplined as to reason and are implacable, not amenable to logic. They are headstrong. They want their own way, come what may. The Bible says men are undisci­ plined as to loyalty. What traitors we have here in our beloved country. We have those in our land who make recorded tapes to send out to the bat­ tle front where our boys are fighting and giving their lives, telling them that they should lay down their arms. This is treasonable to an abominable degree. The climax, however, is that men are undisciplined as to God. They are unholy, declaring that God is not only a nuisance to them, but also that He is dead. With such activity and abomination on every hand there is little wonder that we find the world in such a terrible mental state. Scripture prophesies that men­ tal aberrations will continue to climb. A friend of a minister in England was a superintendent of a mental hospital. He asked the godly pastor to speak to those in the institution on the subject of obedience. Pouring out his heart, the preacher presented the subject forcefully and convinc­ ingly; however, when he finished he felt he had failed. “I knew I shouldn’t have come,” he told his su­ perintendent-friend. The head of the mental hospital replied, “Don’t be too sure. There are seventy-five care­ takers here who are helping to han­ dle these who are sick. They under­ stood what you said. Don’t forget either that the ill ones understood a great deal more than you realize. They know they have come to this

by Dr. Charles L Feinberg


I T would be impossible to consider the subject of the rise in mental illness in these latter days without realizing the third important and fundamental reason which is the rise of demonic activity. We need to un­ derscore the fact, however, that all mental illness is not traceable to de­ mons. Sickness of the mind may have a physical basis. The Scripture reveals a kingdom of demons with Satan at the head of it. Our Lord Jesus spoke of this in Matthew 12:22-26 where one who was blind was brought to Him. The Pharisees accused the Saviour of casting out demons in the power of Beelzebub or Satan. Jesus knew their thoughts, of course, and openly re­ buked them. It was clear to any dis­ cerning person that Satan would never work against himself. Yes, Christ made it eminently clear that Satan is ruler of a great kingdom (Mark 3:22-24). In His coming to this earth, the Lord “triumphed openly” over the evil principalities (Col. 2:13-15). It is interesting to note that de­ mons are careful students of Chris- tology, understanding matters of prophecy and eschatology. They knew the truth of the end times asking the Saviour, “Hast thou come to judge us before our time?” They know that Christ is going to be Judge of angels, Satan and the de­ mons, as well as wicked men. Some have wondered why there were so many cases of demon posses­ sion in the time of Christ. Satan had raised and mustered all of his forces against Him. Marshalling all of his phalanxes and devilish divisions, he arrayed them against the Lord Jesus Christ. They were defeated, of course. The Lord wants us to use

His power to defeat them in our own day. Revelation 16 tells us why, during the time of the battle of Armaged­ don, it is going to be such a terrify­ ing experience. The reason is due to the demons who will be actively at work (Rev. 16:12 ff). Here the de­ mons gather the godless nations of the earth to a confederacy against God. This has also been prophesied in Psalm 2. We see the signs of working demons. Even today we have reports from various parts of the world as missionaries confirm the strange and tremendous powers of demons over heathen men and wom­ en. Our ambassadors of the cross are out on the “front lines” of Satan’s dominion and vitally need our prayers.

Mr. Terry Rose, Biota graduate and member of the faculty serving as freshman counselor, checks over the transcription in Braille of a recent issue of the Biola BROADCASTER. Mr. Rose was blinded during the Korean conflict. His life and testimony for Christ has been a tremendous testimony to students. We thank the Lord for fhe dedication of Christian Brail- lists who have made it possible for those who are blind to read our monthly publication.

Those who consort with evil spir­ its often say that they hear ringing in their ears and strange whisper­ ings. Their eyes are so confused and their appearance so distraught, one can see the result of being plagued by demon activity. It is very evident from Scripture, as we study prophecy, that there is going to be an increase in demonic activity in the days ahead (Matt. 12:43-45). The Saviour gives the il­ lustration of the demon who left the man. After seeking human dwelling and finding no rest, the demon re­ turned to the man and found his for­ mer habitat “empty, swept and gar­ nished.” This is a picture of an in­ dividual’s attempt at self-restora­ tion. He merely has created a “spir­ itual vacuum.” As a result, the de­ mon gathered together seven other evil spirits, so that in the end the man was much worse off than when he started. We don’t have power by ourselves to overcome Satan. It is not “religion” man needs, but the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, Daniel tells us that once again idolatry will find its place in Israel. (See also Rev. 13.) While an idol is nothing in this world, yet behind every idol is a demon. There is at least one Biblical char­ acter who reveals all three signs of mental illness: fear, undisciplined living, and demon possession. Saul in I Sam. 13:8-12 admits that he feared the people. Not being able to control himself any longer, he sinfully of­ fered sacrifice (I Sam. 16:14). Then he consulted the witch of Endor, a woman conversant with evil spirits. The Bible specifically tells us in I Chron. 10:13-14, “So Saul died for his transgression which he commit­ ted against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for ask­ ing counsel of one that had a famil­ iar spirit, to enquire of it; And en­ quired not of the Lord: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom

unto David the son of Jesse.” Mrs. Dan Crawford, the wife of the great missionary to Africa, was speaking at a YMCA in London. She told of a woman who, from her ear­ liest years, had been conscious of a strange presence within her. Under the influence of this condition, she committed all kinds of unspeakable crimes in that far-off land of Africa. One day she came into the mission house. Squatting down in front of the platform, she intently listened to the young minister. Since he had only a very elementary knowledge of the native language, he hardly knew what to preach. Taking the Bible, he was led of the Holy Spirit to read Mark 5 where we find the account of the maniac of Gadara. When he fin­ ished that chapter, he did not know what else to do, so he read it again. The elderly woman sat there in pro­ found attention. At the conclusion of the reading, she jumped up and be­ gan praying to the unknown power who had done so much for the af­ flicted man. She earnestly and fer­ vently prayed that the Lord would release her from the curse. She foamed at the mouth, and those who were in the room thought she was falling into a fit. At last, she sank on the ground and whispered, “I am freed! I am freed!” Indeed, this is exactly what had happened. For a long time she lived with Mrs. Craw­ ford and was a living testimony to the power of God over the power of evil. Yes, Christ can deliver the trust­ ing soul. He alone can free from fear, giving victory over undisci­ plined living and rebuking all de­ monic activity. The only way to blessing is through faith in His fin­ ished work on Calvary’s cross. “Be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” * * * Nothing makes some people go into debt like trying to keep up with those who already are. * * * 8

by Dr. Hubert Mitchell


W HEN WE WERE IN THE JUNGLES of Sumatra years ago, I took my little boy Paul by the hand one day, and we walked together down the thickly-covered trails. He said, “Daddy, God must be a big God. Look at those big stars He made, and that moon. I can’t understand how a God so great and so big can get into my little heart.” I told him, “I don’t understand it either, but He does.” The best illustration I could think of at the time was that of the sun. It shines in the sky, but it also comes into my home, streaming its beautiful light and heat through our windows. All I need to do is just pull back the shades or open the door. Just so God’s great love can shine into millions of hearts around the world. The Bible speaks wonderment to us these days. Our earth is just a tiny speck in the universe compared to all of the other heavenly bodies. We in turn are just specks on this speck. How high is God? Does anybdoy know how big He is ? In a recent ar­ ticle on astronomy, a scientist had under observation a marvelous star out yonder three trillion miles away. He told how long it took the light from that star to come to this earth. Light travels, as we all know, at 186,- 000 miles a second. From those stars so far away, the light traveled through the years to get to the earth, even coming at this great rate of the Most High God who is posses­ sor of heaven and earth. Genesis 14: 19-22 gives us a beautiful p ic tu r e of His greatness. There are so many things which are a Dr. Mitchell

of speed. Now, far on above that is the top of God, and here on this earth are His feet. A man eight foot tall is a giant to us. God’s head, however, is far above the last star and His feet are here on earth. This is His footstool. CHILD EVANGELISM O tremble for the future of our land If these our children go a godless way, Untaught in Word and law of God; and yet Their hands will rule this common­ wealth some day. O tremble for the grief in parents' hearts When they must surely reap what they have sown; When their indifferent neglect shall bear A bitter fruit which they must eat alone. O tremble, tremble, for their tragic fate: Children grown old in sin, who leave this earth, And through dark eons, in their hearts shall find But bitterness for those who gave them birth. O tremble, thinking of the Judgment Seat Of Christ, when He will ask that solemn day, "And did you feed M y lambs?" O Christian think What will there be for you and me to say? — Martha Snell Nicholson Nahum tells us that the clouds are the dust of His feet. God is con­ scious of our feelings and of every­ thing* that happens on this “foot­ stool.” A man can hold a few coins in his hand; he can put a few more in the 9

be the scene of marvelous manifesta­ tions of our great coming King. Here are to be exhibited the glories of His power. One of these days all of heaven will have its eyes on this earth. It will be the throne of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. In a future hour God is going to knit the heavens and earth together, sending down that great holy city from on high to be upon this earth. This will be the central headquarters of the universe. Let us remember that the great God who made the world wants to come into your small heart. He will make you clean, strong and whole, and fit for heaven where you will live with angels and enjoy His presence forevermore. an extra copy of this publication, please pass it along to a friend so that he may also enroll in the Plan and receive these helpful monthly features from the broadcasts. Since all materials from the Biola radio programs are included in the BROADCASTER, publica­ tion is generally completed near the end of the specific month. Your patience is greatly appreciated. □ I would like to become a mem­ ber of the Biola Fellowship. Biola Fellowship Members re­ ceive a packet of envelopes (24 to expire in two years for monthly contributions). I am enclosing $.............................. this month, and would like to send $.................................... monthly for the ministries of Biola.

bank. He can possess acres of land and other real estate reflecting their values on books. Our God, however, holds worlds in his hands much more easily than men can hold dol­ lars. Our God is the possessor of all of these things. The shepherd goes before the flock, leading hundreds of animals. Just as easily does God lead the stars in their courses. He is also the “Shep­ herd of the stars.” God has assured us that the earth is the center of His activities. He names Himself God of the heavens and then, as if the earth were as important as the heavens, that He is the possessor of earth. This earth has been vile and rebellious toward the Lord. One day, however, it is to If you are not receiving copies of the BROADCASTER monthly, you may have them come to your home or office automatically by be­ ing a member of the Biola Fellow­ ship. This is a group of faithful donors who invest monthly in the distinctive m i n i s t r i e s of Biola schools and colleges. Specific monthly amounts are not set; this is a matter between you and the Lord. In maintaining this 58-year-old work for the Saviour, we have found that faithfulness on the part of God’s stewards is the important thing. You are invited to become co-la­ borers with us in this vital testi­ mony. The investment you make will bring you this publication monthly, hereafter, without your request. If you are already a member of the Fellowship and have received

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by Dr. Hubert Mitchell


A part from the Lord Jesus Christ, it is my opinion that the great­ est man who ever lived was David. His name is mentioned in the Bible more than 1100 times. Although he is an Old Testament character, Mat­ thew starts his Gospel with David (1:1). Revelation, of course, ends with David (22:16). Many refer­ ences are made to this man. There is a classic story for our study to be found in I Samuel 17. You remember that it gives the ac­ count of Goliath’s slaying. This giant, commander of the Philistines, was about ten feet tall. Covered with armor from head to foot, he continu­ ally stood on the side of the moun­ tain, bellowing out blasphemous words against the children of Israel, King Saul and all of his men of valor. Fear possessed the hearts of Israel. The monster challenged, “Send me a man to fight. Whoever wins will be the champion of the day. The army he represents will be the victors.” This kind of railing went on for forty days and forty nights. No one was willing to accept the challenge. David was at the back side of the mountain feeding his father’s sheep. He fought off wolves, bears and lions. While on a mission of bringing his brothers a package from home, he heard the evil pro­ nouncements of wicked Goliath. He volunteered to do the job for his king and his people. His brother, Eliah, however, insisted he return home and not offer such foolish promises. “You are too small and much too young. Goliath has been a warrior since his youth. You wouldn’t stand a chance.” David brushed aside these objections, telling King Saul, “I went down to where my father’s sheep were and I kept them. There came out a lion and a bear and stole away

a lamb but I slew them both. This uncircumcized Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.” David was not afraid. He knew that the same God who had delivered him from the wild animals certainly could keep him from harm at the hand of one of the wicked Philistines. Saul finally consented, adding his personal blessings. Humanly speaking, every­ one was against David: his brother, the king, and even the people. This, however, didn’t deter him in the least. He knew that God was with HIS SON'S BIRTHDAY God had His Son's companionship, And Heaven was sweet and fair; And yet He yearned for other sons To share His mansions there. So Christ the Lord came down to earth. And ever since He came, All may become the sons of God Who trust upon His name. And thus the heavenly family grows. Now earnestly I pray, “May many sons be born to God Upon this Christmas Day!" — Martha Snell Nicholson him. What a testimony this faithful shepherd boy gave to the entire land, as he called back out to the giant; “You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.” Exactly as David had proph­ esied, so the Lord gave the complete and overwhelming victory. When asked by King Saul who he was, 11

to fight the battles of life. There are “giants” stalking through this land. We need courage to overcome sin and selfishness. We need a love for right­ eousness and a hatred for the world and its secular sinfulness. God is no less powerful today than He was in David’s time. He is the same yester­ day, today and forever. We need to apply this story to our lives. Realize that God takes the little things to confound the mighty. He can take you and make you a valiant witness for the truth no matter where you are or your circumstances in life. You can be a “more than conqueror.” May God give us courage to be as David: a victor in the time of seem­ ing defeat, despite all kinds of op­ position. He came through not some­ how but triumphantly! It can be the same for you today as you wholly and fully trust Him. * * * One becomes a Christian not by trying, but simply by trusting. * * * Giving is not just a way of raising money; it is God's way of raising men. * * •______

David humbly answered, “I am the son of thy servant Jesse, the Bethle- hemite.” To me this story speaks one great truth which is simply courage with a capital “C.” It is pathetic that in the church today, despite many tal­ ents and abilities, coupled with gad- getry and promotion, we still shrink RICH OR POOR I wonder what a millionaire Must feel like when it's time To leave this world and $11 its wealth With nothing, not a dime! It must be awful standing there, When you have had so much; Especially if you've only lived For money, fame and such. It isn't what you've had that counts, Or what you've left behind; It's what you've done with what you've hand For God and all mankind. For money has no value when Before the Lord we stand; It's too late then to give to those Who need a helping hand. It's easy to condemn the rich, When most of us are poor; But whether we be poor or rich, There's one thing that's for sure: We'd better settle what we owe To God for Calvary, Where Jesus died and shed His blood For all humanity. There's not a soul who ever lived, God's love could not afford It's free to all and without price: Faith in a risen Lord. So if you are a millionaire Or from the common set. Invest for God in souls of men, And you'll have no regret. — Walt Huntley from the real job for the Lord with craven hearts. We do have education, methods and ideas, but still fear needs to be replaced by courage. The way we get it is to pray. David peti­ tioned and God answered his prayers. If you and I pray and obey, any­ thing can happen. We need courage

Miss Jennie Wong, member of the faculty of the music department of Biola College, re­ hearses a number for a performance in Crowell Hall on the Campus. Miss Wong is from Hong Kong and is one of eleven fulltime faculty members of the music department. She will present a concert on May 26, 1967 to which the public is invited. She also teaches private piano at Long Beach State College.


QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS w ith Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. and Dr. Charles L. Fehtberg, Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary

Q. Lompoc, Calif. — “The Bible prom­ ise of which Solomon spoke 'Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not de­ part from it’ has me confused when Solomon himself departed from the Lord during his old age." A. One can't help but wonder wheth­ er David was too busy with the af­ fairs of his kingdom to keep track of his own son. We do not know. You can be sure that it is not the Lord who fails in His promise to us. There are, however, certain prerequisites to every promise. Sometimes Scripture gives us a general truth from which there can be exceptions, for often exceptions prove the rule. We are to do our part, under the power of God’s Holy Spirit, to guide our chil­ dren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. As we are faithful to the Lord, He will reveal Himself strong in our behalf and in the lives of our precious offspring He has given. Q. Carmarillo, Calif. — "My daughter's pastor said that Judas is going to be the antichrist. Could you explain this to me?" A. There are some who hold to this view. We do not believe, however, that it is a matter on which one can be dogmatic. In II Thessalonians 2: 3-4, we read about the antichrist and how that this infamous character is yet to appear. It may be that he is

now on the horizon, however, we do not know. This person would seem to be another individual than Judas who will be born among men rising up and becoming Satan’s emissary. We do not believe that the antichrist will necessarily be Jewish. The false prophet certainly will be from Israel. Antichrist will not be revealed until after the rapture. Q. Emmett, Idaho — “It distresses me to see so much division between the two great P ro te s ta n t movements. One says that once you are saved you can never be lost; the other de­ clares one is prone to backsliding and can lose his salvation unless he is sanctified. Is there not a possibility that there is truth somewhere be­ tween these two extremes?” A. Division between believers is al­ ways distressing. The views to which you refer, however, are more appro­ priately two systems of Biblical in­ terpretation. A believer can be guilty of backsliding. Scripture teaches this, and illustrations from individ­ uals abound in life. Remember, how­ ever backsliding is one thing, but losing one’s salvation is another. The Bible teaches that once an individual is saved he will act like a Christian. Basically, he will desire to live a godly life. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso­ ever believeth in him should not per- 13

ish, but have everlasting life.” It does not say that he will have this priceless gift if he doesn’t backslide. If one adds anything to this, one makes a shambles out of everlasting life. When God promises eternal life, He means just exactly what He says (John 10:27-30). Romans 10:1-8 tells us that we have all been posi­ tionally sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ’s death. We are sanctified un­ to God by the body of Christ, and all through this life we are being changed from glory to glory in the image of our Lord Jesus by the Lord (II Corinthians 3:18). This does not mean that we are to be careless about our living, for sound doctrine and sound living go hand-in-hand.

of God directs the writer to use the prepositional phrase “unde r th e sun.” This is the way man sees things. For this reason, from man’s natural viewpoint, this is the way things look. It would appear that the earth abides forever. This is the old hypo thesis of uniformitarianism. The Bible clearly reveals, however, that the earth and the works therein will be burned. We shall be with our loved ones in the new heaven and the new earth. Remember, inspira­ tion insures us of the accuracy of the record. Ecclesiastes then accurately sets forth man’s point of view and reasoning. Q. Eugene, Ore. — “Could you please give me the explanation of the word ‘scapegoat’ found in Leviticus 16:8- 10? That was explained once as being the Jewish church or the Gen­ tile church, but the New Testament says that we are one in Christ” A. We have not heard that it is the Jewish church or the Gentile church. The New Testament does assure us that we are one in Christ. There is at least one cult which holds to the erroneous view that the scapegoat refers to Satan as a sin bearer. This is certainly not the Biblical view. The Scriptures clearly teach us that all of our sins were put on Christ (Isa. 53:6). This scapegoat is dis­ cussed in Leviticus 16:8-10. I t simp­ ly means the escaped goat, the one who ran off into the wilderness. It represents the believer who is able to go free because of what Christ has done in bearing our sins and penalty thereby on our behalf. One goat was slain; the other lived. This teaches the death and resurrection of Christ. Q. Stockton, Calif. — “Some prefer Bibles where the words which Christ spoke are in red. Are these words more important than the rest? Why is a special blessing promised to those who read the book of Revelar

Each week members of the Biola Faculty join together in prayer requests for the ministries of the school. The sessions are directed by the Rev. Kenneth B. Daniels, director of Christian Service for Biola College. Objects for prayer include the school'sfaculty, the spirit­ ual and physical needs of the staff as well as other areas of outreach. Pictured in the front row from left to right are Dr. Philip Sutherland. Dr. Bolton Davidheiser, Rev. Mr. Daniels, and Dr. William Bass.

Q. Aurora, Ore. — “In Ecclesiastes 1:1 we are told that the earth wiU, exist forever; however, in II Peter 3:10 we read that it will be burned up. How does one reconcile these passages ?” A. The Bible is right in both in­ stances. Ecclesiastes is written out of the natural intellect of man. He speaks without the light of the Spir­ it of God. In reading this short book of only 12 chapters one is impressed with the number of times the Spirit

tion ? Are we able to understand it if we read it enough without help?" A. There are two distinct questions here. There are some, especially lib­ erals, who want us to believe that the words of Jesus are more signifi­ cant than the words of Paul or some other writer of the Old or New Tes­ tament. The important factor to re­ member, however, is that all of the Bible is inspired of God. The Holy Spirit is the One who gave the words by holy men. The words our Lord spoke are put in red in some Bibles for emphasis and clarity’s sake. They are of course, the words of eternal life and should be a special delight to our hearts. Revelation is the only portion of the Bible which attaches to itself a special blessing to those who read it (Rev. 1:3). Everything in the book is to be taken exactly as it is given, except where plain illustrative material is given such as figures of speech which are used. May the Holy Spirit give you divine illumination as you study it for yourself. Q. Turlock, Calif. — “My family left a liberal church to join a fundamen­ tal one. Shortly thereafter 1 voas saved. A t the time, there had been quite a controversy about the pas­ tor’s unbelief, but the denomination upheld him. Some people who profess to be bom again are still in that church. They rationalize that thus they will use their influence for the truth. In the light of such warnings as II Corinthians 6:11-18 and II Timothy 8:5, is this rightf” A. Both of these passages are tre­ mendously significant. These are days when too many are compromis­ ing and there is a real lack of dis­ cernment on the part of many. At the same time, in the final analysis, every Christian must answer the question for himself. Personally, if we were in a similar circumstance, we would leave the church. While

there may be a time to stay in and to seek to use one’s influence for the truth, there is certainly also a time to leave. If Bible-believing Chris­ tians would remove themselves from apostate churches throughout the country, these denominations would find themselves without financial support. This could be a tremendous impact upon the future of the liberal church.

Arizona Bible College has again exceeded all past enrollment records with a student body this semester of 180. Pictured above is Mr. Merv Fishback (left), executive administrator of A.B.C. with students from left to right: Jim Jones, Priscilla Baynes, Larry Corcoran (president of the student body), and Pam Becks. Arizona Bible College is now completing a special building program which includes vitally— needed facili- ties for classrooms and dining room.

Q. Reedly, Calif. — “In I Peter 1:17, the Apostle writes about the judg­ ment of the Lord starting first in the household of God. He seems to indicate that trials and sufferings of the Lord’s children are a part of this. How are we to understand this!” A. Originally, before Pentecost, Pet­ er could not understand suffering, especially that which was prophesied by our Lord. God, of course, will judge everyone, not only according to His law, but also on the standard of His character and nature. To show how thoroughly God hates sin, He will not even overlook it in believers. There is a sense, however, in which judgment for the believer is passed. 16

might refer to so called ‘mercy kill­ ings’?” A. Ecclesiastes is a book which re­ veals man’s thinking without the benefit of divine revelation. God’s Word shows here what goes on in the mind of an unbelieving man. This is a book of maxims and human reasonings. For everything there is a reason, a time, and a purpose. The killing would refer to that which is inherently destructive or injurious to man. For instance, there is a time to kill a snake. It is always impor­ tant to note carefully the context. Mercy killing or euthanasia is not mentioned in Scripture. Even the best of medical opinion today does not stand behind this hypothesis. Life and death ultimately are in the hands of our sovereign God. Q. Richmond, Calif. — “Will you please explain Matthew 6:9? It seems that we need to pray only our Lord’s prayer." A. If one prayed the Lord’s prayer sincerely in his heart, it would be wonderful to be sure. All too fre­ quently the congregation repeats

All our sins were placed on Christ when He died on Calvary. We need to remember, too, that we will yet meet judgment. This, however, will not be for our sins, but for rewards (II Cor. 5:1-10). There is also a present judgment that we might be kept clean before the Lord. An example is mentioned in I Corinthi­ ans 11 in reference to the Lord’s table. Sometimes God has to bring severe chastisement to the life of the believer. In Hebrews we read that all of God’s children go through a certain amount of chastening. If we didn’t, then we would have to con­ clude that we are illegitimate sons. Here Peter is speaking of the judgment of God not for sins but for cleansing. If God will not over­ look sin in the household of faith, He certainly is not going to overlook it among those who have never placed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. San Luis Obispo, Calif. — “Could a person have a gift of the Spirit and still not have the fruit of the Spir­ it?” A. Galatians 5:22 gives us a listing of the fruits of the Spirit. These are the graces which we as Chris­ tians are to manifest for the Lord. To be sure, the Lord has given vari­ ous gifts such as teachers and preachers. There is a difference, however, between “fruit” and “gift.” Fruit-bearing is not activity, but is rather the product of a right rela­ tionship with the Lord Jesus Christ. When we are saved we have the Holy Spirit indwelling our hearts. The ex­ tent of the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit’s power is determined by the degree to which we allow Him to completely control us. “Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.” Q. Porterville, Calif — “Will you please explain Ecclesiastes 3 :3, which states that there is ‘a time to kill and a time to heal.’ Is it possible that this

Dr. Arvid F. Carlson, a 1939 graduate of Biota and pastor of the Evangelical Free Church of Orange, Calif., teaches a class every Monday evening at Blolaas a part of the Scripture Press Leadership Training In­ stitute. Nearly 300 people have been attend­ ing classes for Christian laymen held on the Campus. Biola also maintains an evening school at its historic downtown Los Angeles location.


what is commonly known as the Lord’s prayer but it merely becomes a recitation or a ritual. It is true that this prayer has practically all types of prayer included in it. There is a petition for forgiveness, for the hallowing of the name of Almighty God and praising His name. There is a request to be guided by the Holy Spirit in our relationships with oth­ ers. Elsewhere in Scripture, how­ ever, we are told to be “thankful in everything.” Our supplication made with thanksgiving are to express re­ quests unto God. Yes, we are told to pray in just about every conceiv­ able manner that people actually do pray. The so-called Lord’s Prayer is but a model for prayer. Q. Dinuba, Calif. — "Could you help me on Romans 18:11? Paul declared, ‘And make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust8 thereof.’ What does this mean?” A. This is a very practical portion of the Epistle. After the Apostle finishes laying the tremendous foun­ dation of what God does for us in providing salvation, he then enters into the practical emphasis in rele­ vant application. Under the inspira­ tion of the Holy Spirit, it is pointed out to us that we are not to live as the rest of the world does. The age of grace is far spent and the day of our Lord’s return is near at hand. We believe the Rapture could occur at any moment. We should have noth­ ing to do with any works of dark­ ness. If we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, we will not make provision for the flesh to follow after these things. We are not to open ourselves to the many varied temptations in these hours in which we live. The an­ tidote is to be clothed fully with the Lord Jesus Christ. We must realize that we are abiding in Him and in Him alone. St. Augustine rightly de­ clared, “You can’t keep the birds from flying over your head, but you need not let them make a nest in

your hair.” He was saved through this 14th verse. Q. Torrance, Calif. — "Will you please tell us where in the Bible I can find the expression, ‘Whosoever caUeth his brother or sister a fool is in dan­ ger of hell fire’? Possibly it could be quoted differently.’’ A. You will find this reference in Matthew 5:22. The Aramaic word raca means “worthless.” This was the strongest expression of contempt one could use. Those who were thor­ oughly angry might utter it. To get


He lay there in a manger; He had no proper bed. Nor any downy pillow Beneath His lovely head.

Cattle slept about Him; Their breath was warm and sweet; Perhaps a furry kitten Cuddled at His feet. Picture Baby Jesus, So rosy He and fair, Among the gentle creatures; I know He likes it there. O tender, blessed Jesus, Could I just tiptoe in And lay my heart before Thee? It is so stained with sin!

— Martha Snell Nicholson mad, of course, is sin. We want to underscore this important fact, how­ ever, that the only way by which any person can escape the dangers of hell fire is through an acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. All are condemned to hell fire apart from His saving grace. Q. San Diego, Calif. — ‘‘Can you help me on Matthew 12:20, 18:15? What are the bruised reed and smoking flax used for?” A. The portion is quoted from Isaiah 42:2. There we see that when the Messiah came, it would be a revela- 17

tion of His infinite tenderness, con­ sideration, and gentleness. A bruised reed is not worth anything, yet the Lord doesn’t break it to make it more useless. A smoking flax represents that which is dying out. He would not quench it. Christ dealt gently whenever He contacted men. This is one of the most beautiful portions of Scripture showing the gentleness of Christ, the Messiah of Israel. Q. New Westminister, B.C. — “Where is heaven and where is hell?" A. This can be answered very quick­ ly since no one knows. There has, of course, been much speculation. There are those who claim that hell is in the heart of the earth and that heaven is a place up in the north where there seems to be an empty space. (Actually, there is no “hole” in the north. It is simply that the stars are blotted out by a great cloud of cosmic dust, according to astronomers.) The most positive an­ swer is that heaven is where the Lord Jesus Christ is, and hell is where the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT. * * * Envy simply opens the door so that bit­ terness can come in. * * * SOMEONE CARES You can imagine the joy and delight to the heart of a little boy living in an orphanage when he received a lovely basket of fru it for Christmas as did the other children. While his friends lost no time devouring theirs, the lad insisted on putting his basket in the window for the entire day. He ex­ plained, “I want my present where everyone can see it. In that way they’ll know that somebody really cares for me.” Have you ever thought about it this way? I f we have received the gift of eternal life, GocTs present to a lost and hopeless world, we, too, should keep Him in full view. In this way oth­ ers may see that we have received gladly the Saviour, the Babe of Beth­ lehem’s manger, the Christ of Cal­ vary’s Cross who died for us.

THE CHRISTMAS PROCLAMATION They tell me Jesus was not bom on Christmas Day. And Christmas trees were just a pagan rite they say, That decorations were idolatry, a work of art. Not symbols of the adoration of a heart That worships Christ as Son of God apart. It may be that the world is blind— Is worshipping mere trifles of this kind, And some folks blinded by the glare of 'customed gift Will miss the star and see not in earth's clouds a rift. But to the Christian thi* does sym­ bols mean: In every Christmas tree he sees a gleam, For dates and signs are lost in Chist- mas story, "H is advent" and "the hope of glory." He came, He came, the fact and not the time, Proclaimed in carols, and the truth sublime Is sounded through the earth on Christmas Day, And the Light of all the world shines on the way. What though a fantasy on earth is reached If through the mist the Son of God is preached? Though still in sinful pleasure men are found, Yet once a year they pause to hear the sound That Christ may still be known, let carols ring, And trees and lights their age old message bring Of God's great love and all-redeem­ ing grace, His gift unspeakable to all the hu­ man race. — Annie E. Hitt


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