ish, but have everlasting life.” It does not say that he will have this priceless gift if he doesn’t backslide. If one adds anything to this, one makes a shambles out of everlasting life. When God promises eternal life, He means just exactly what He says (John 10:27-30). Romans 10:1-8 tells us that we have all been posi tionally sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ’s death. We are sanctified un to God by the body of Christ, and all through this life we are being changed from glory to glory in the image of our Lord Jesus by the Lord (II Corinthians 3:18). This does not mean that we are to be careless about our living, for sound doctrine and sound living go hand-in-hand.
of God directs the writer to use the prepositional phrase “unde r th e sun.” This is the way man sees things. For this reason, from man’s natural viewpoint, this is the way things look. It would appear that the earth abides forever. This is the old hypo thesis of uniformitarianism. The Bible clearly reveals, however, that the earth and the works therein will be burned. We shall be with our loved ones in the new heaven and the new earth. Remember, inspira tion insures us of the accuracy of the record. Ecclesiastes then accurately sets forth man’s point of view and reasoning. Q. Eugene, Ore. — “Could you please give me the explanation of the word ‘scapegoat’ found in Leviticus 16:8- 10? That was explained once as being the Jewish church or the Gen tile church, but the New Testament says that we are one in Christ” A. We have not heard that it is the Jewish church or the Gentile church. The New Testament does assure us that we are one in Christ. There is at least one cult which holds to the erroneous view that the scapegoat refers to Satan as a sin bearer. This is certainly not the Biblical view. The Scriptures clearly teach us that all of our sins were put on Christ (Isa. 53:6). This scapegoat is dis cussed in Leviticus 16:8-10. I t simp ly means the escaped goat, the one who ran off into the wilderness. It represents the believer who is able to go free because of what Christ has done in bearing our sins and penalty thereby on our behalf. One goat was slain; the other lived. This teaches the death and resurrection of Christ. Q. Stockton, Calif. — “Some prefer Bibles where the words which Christ spoke are in red. Are these words more important than the rest? Why is a special blessing promised to those who read the book of Revelar
Each week members of the Biola Faculty join together in prayer requests for the ministries of the school. The sessions are directed by the Rev. Kenneth B. Daniels, director of Christian Service for Biola College. Objects for prayer include the school'sfaculty, the spirit ual and physical needs of the staff as well as other areas of outreach. Pictured in the front row from left to right are Dr. Philip Sutherland. Dr. Bolton Davidheiser, Rev. Mr. Daniels, and Dr. William Bass.
Q. Aurora, Ore. — “In Ecclesiastes 1:1 we are told that the earth wiU, exist forever; however, in II Peter 3:10 we read that it will be burned up. How does one reconcile these passages ?” A. The Bible is right in both in stances. Ecclesiastes is written out of the natural intellect of man. He speaks without the light of the Spir it of God. In reading this short book of only 12 chapters one is impressed with the number of times the Spirit
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