Biola Broadcaster - 1967-01


by Dr. Blaine Bishop

W ithout question , wisdom is an extremely valuable commodi­ ty. In the Bible two kinds of wis­ dom are mentioned: the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God. The former is characterized by the Lord as foolishness. It is a knowl­ edge “without a track to run on.” The Lord Jesus Christ is the final answer to ignorance. He is the truth of God (John 14:6). As patience comes through tribu­ lation so we find that wisdom comes through prayer. James 1 :5 tells us, “If any of you lack wisdom (dis­ cernment, judgment and application of knowledge), let him ask of God.” Wisdom, in the final analysis, is the ability to use rightly the knowledge which we have. It is interesting to note that the Holy Spirit had James talk about this subject immediately after his practical lesson on patience. What more important time for real discernment than when one is pass­ ing through testings! Otherwise trials make people bitter instead of better, rebellious instead of right­ eous. Since this epistle is directed to believers, we could read it, “If any Christian lack wisdom.” It is a seri­ ous spiritual illness when the child of God does not sense his need of en­ lightenment. Jesus said, “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Certainly no man can be very righteous who is not seeking the wisdom of God. In the case of King Solomon, he rightly felt that he could not do without God’s abundant and prom­ ised wisdom. We Christians can never afford to make decisions of our own. Yet so frequently we turn to the Lord only as a last resort. With­ out question, the reason we see so many foolish things done by Chris­

tians is due to a lack of prayer. Our failures and lack of spiritual prog­ ress no doubt can also be traceable to this fault. The great days of the GOD'S GIFT This world was poor and sinful, lost; But God was rich and full of grace And He looked down on Bethlehem town And said, "Star, shine above this place; "And angels, gird it round with song. Let heaven's gate be left ajar, Till heaven's glory lights the earth; Let wise men travel from afar "W ith gold and frankincense and myrrh To see what gift I give this day To man . . . the very heart of Me Lies strangely cradled in the hay! "For heaven is a lonely place Without the presence of M y Son; His empty ivory palaces Wait His return, M y Holy One. "Yet if He be but lifted up, Shall draw all men through Him, to Me; And He, when He has drained His cup. Shall bring salvation full and free "T o all who call upon His name." Thanks be to God. this Christmas Day, To God, who loved us so He gave His Son to take our sins away! — Martha Snell Nicholson Christian church were days of Spir­ it-energized praying. Pentecost was granted through a surge of prayer. New continents opened for the apos­ tolic church as the believers prayed.

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