Look from whence this gift comes. You know, whenever we receive a package, we like to know who sent it. It makes a big difference. In the case of God’s gift, immediately we note that it’s from above. It is verti cal, not horizontal. Someone has said, “If you look to self, you’ll be depressed. If you look to others you’ll be distressed, but if you look to Je sus you’ll be fully blessed.” Every thing on this earth deteriorates and fades away. The tie I got last Christ mas was badly stained during the year. Presents of toys given to our children seldom have lasted over the first few weeks. Everything is marked by the stain of sin from the fall of man. God, however, gave Himself from above. His gift is per fect! It is flawless, impeccable, and imperishable. Then notice that God is called the Father of lights. If there is any thing this world needs Christmas, 1966, it is light. We need light as far as the international problems and struggles are concerned. We are des perate for light as we see moral, political, and racial unrest in almost every comer of our nation. Crime in the streets has become so pre valent that one almost hesitates to go out for a walk at night. Light, you see, means peace. There are things at night that look strange and foreboding. When viewed by the light of the morning sun, however, the picture is changed entirely. Light means knowledge. Things difficult for us to understand suddenly blos som forth in revelation when the light comes in. Light also means purity. If one overturns a stone, he will see all sorts of ugly creatures running for cover. Soon the area be comes purified by the light of the sun. The Bible exhorts us to walk in the light as He is in the light. Do you have the light of God in your life? In Christ is no darkness at all! Isaiah tells us (and Peter refers to it) that those who trust in the Lord shall not walk in haste. I remember, 26
sion, however, doesn’t even begin to compare with the humiliation of Christ’s coming to this earth. He who was rich, for our sakes became poor that we, through His poverty, might be rich. Yes, God so loved the world (not just an individual, but the world), that He gave Himself, His only begotten Son, that whoso ever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. The Bible tells us that God’s good gift is perfect. Whom do you know on this earth that is perfect? I read the other day about a woman who was getting a divorce because of some of the little habits of her hus band which irritated her. One was that he squeezed the toothpaste from the middle of the tube instead of from the bottom! The divorce was granted. No, people aren’t perfect. This is why to redeem man God had to pass over any person on earth for all have sinned and come short of His glory. God’s love never changes. He is not fickle. There are no condi tions which prevail which could in any way alter His feelings toward you. The Lord’s gift is perfect. When we were first married, my wife se lected for the crystal she wanted to collect a design known as “Candle- wick.” We obtained several different pieces through the kindness of our friends. After that, on her birthday or wedding anniversary I would buy additional pieces of “Candlewick” to help complete her set. She has been receiving her crystal on the install ment plan; it has never been com plete and breakage has seen it grad ually depleted. The word “perfect” means that nothing is wanting, noth ing is left out. God’s salvation is full. His joy, peace, satisfaction, and con tentment are complete, wanting nothing. If you don’t possess all of these priceless spiritual commodities; it simply means that you haven’t appropriated them. They are there in Christ, and available, you can be sure of that.
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