theses of man! The same God who cre ated and sustains the universe, also sent His only begotten Son to this earth, His love gift, the only One who can meet man’s needs for eternity. * * * It is betterto be despised for the right than to bepraised forthe wrong. * * * IMAGINATIVE INVENTIONS “Changing Times,” a national maga zine, has predicted that in a matter of a few short years all of our homes will be cooled, as well as heated, by solar energy; that a ribbon of super high ways will be completed from coast to coast without any stoplights whatso ever; that our automobiles will all be powered by a small jet turbine motor, having probably 1/5 the present num ber of moving parts; that not only will we all have color television but also that the sets will be three-dimensional, with wall-sized screens. These are not dreams of the future, but already are realities. The magazine article further predicts a 30-hour work week, extreme ly inexpensive jetliner service around the world, atomic energy for our power, to preserve foods and to purify medi cines. Since the turn of the century, man’s inventive genius has been developed fantastically. Yet all of these things fade into complete insignificance when we realize what God has in store for the believer. Man talks about traveling at the speed of light, 186,000 miles a second. This, however, does not even begin to compare with being able to travel at the speed of thought, where man is not limited by the confines of time and space. Yes, for the one who is trusting Christ, we can say with Paul, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear 27
STELLAR MESSAGE Through the centuries there has been much speculation concerning Beth lehem’s star which shone upon the earth to herald God’s greatest g ift to mankind. How wondrously, however, 365 nights of the year, the heavens declare the glory of God. Dr. A. Cressy Morrison, former president of the New York Academy of Sciences, has stated that it is ■ possible to demonstrate mathematically that the universe could not have just happened, but that it was designed by the master hand of God. He points out that the earth ro tates on its axis at 1,000 miles per hour. I f it rotated only a tenth of that speed, our days and nights would be ten times longer, causing the earth alternately to bum and to freeze. On the surface of the sun, the tempera ture is at least 12,000-50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. We are located at the exact distance from the sun so that the heat is perfect: not too much and not too little. The earth is tilted at an angle of 23 degrees. This enables us to have four seasons. I f it were not so placed, vapors from the ocean would move north and south, piling up continents of ice. I f the moon were not at the exact distance from the sun which God has ordained, the ocean tides would completely inundate all land masses twice a day. What’s more, if the ocean were just a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would be complete ly absorbed. Not even vegetable life could exist. I f the earth’s atmosphere were a fraction thinner, many of the meteors not burned out in space would bombard and pockmark the face of the globe. Could a person with any degree of reasonable intelligence, declare that this delicate balance all “just hap pened?’’ How foolish the false hypo
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