Those who consort with evil spir its often say that they hear ringing in their ears and strange whisper ings. Their eyes are so confused and their appearance so distraught, one can see the result of being plagued by demon activity. It is very evident from Scripture, as we study prophecy, that there is going to be an increase in demonic activity in the days ahead (Matt. 12:43-45). The Saviour gives the il lustration of the demon who left the man. After seeking human dwelling and finding no rest, the demon re turned to the man and found his for mer habitat “empty, swept and gar nished.” This is a picture of an in dividual’s attempt at self-restora tion. He merely has created a “spir itual vacuum.” As a result, the de mon gathered together seven other evil spirits, so that in the end the man was much worse off than when he started. We don’t have power by ourselves to overcome Satan. It is not “religion” man needs, but the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, Daniel tells us that once again idolatry will find its place in Israel. (See also Rev. 13.) While an idol is nothing in this world, yet behind every idol is a demon. There is at least one Biblical char acter who reveals all three signs of mental illness: fear, undisciplined living, and demon possession. Saul in I Sam. 13:8-12 admits that he feared the people. Not being able to control himself any longer, he sinfully of fered sacrifice (I Sam. 16:14). Then he consulted the witch of Endor, a woman conversant with evil spirits. The Bible specifically tells us in I Chron. 10:13-14, “So Saul died for his transgression which he commit ted against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for ask ing counsel of one that had a famil iar spirit, to enquire of it; And en quired not of the Lord: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom
unto David the son of Jesse.” Mrs. Dan Crawford, the wife of the great missionary to Africa, was speaking at a YMCA in London. She told of a woman who, from her ear liest years, had been conscious of a strange presence within her. Under the influence of this condition, she committed all kinds of unspeakable crimes in that far-off land of Africa. One day she came into the mission house. Squatting down in front of the platform, she intently listened to the young minister. Since he had only a very elementary knowledge of the native language, he hardly knew what to preach. Taking the Bible, he was led of the Holy Spirit to read Mark 5 where we find the account of the maniac of Gadara. When he fin ished that chapter, he did not know what else to do, so he read it again. The elderly woman sat there in pro found attention. At the conclusion of the reading, she jumped up and be gan praying to the unknown power who had done so much for the af flicted man. She earnestly and fer vently prayed that the Lord would release her from the curse. She foamed at the mouth, and those who were in the room thought she was falling into a fit. At last, she sank on the ground and whispered, “I am freed! I am freed!” Indeed, this is exactly what had happened. For a long time she lived with Mrs. Craw ford and was a living testimony to the power of God over the power of evil. Yes, Christ can deliver the trust ing soul. He alone can free from fear, giving victory over undisci plined living and rebuking all de monic activity. The only way to blessing is through faith in His fin ished work on Calvary’s cross. “Be lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” * * * Nothing makes some people go into debt like trying to keep up with those who already are. * * * 8
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