Biola Broadcaster - 1967-01

by Dr. Hubert Mitchell


W HEN WE WERE IN THE JUNGLES of Sumatra years ago, I took my little boy Paul by the hand one day, and we walked together down the thickly-covered trails. He said, “Daddy, God must be a big God. Look at those big stars He made, and that moon. I can’t understand how a God so great and so big can get into my little heart.” I told him, “I don’t understand it either, but He does.” The best illustration I could think of at the time was that of the sun. It shines in the sky, but it also comes into my home, streaming its beautiful light and heat through our windows. All I need to do is just pull back the shades or open the door. Just so God’s great love can shine into millions of hearts around the world. The Bible speaks wonderment to us these days. Our earth is just a tiny speck in the universe compared to all of the other heavenly bodies. We in turn are just specks on this speck. How high is God? Does anybdoy know how big He is ? In a recent ar­ ticle on astronomy, a scientist had under observation a marvelous star out yonder three trillion miles away. He told how long it took the light from that star to come to this earth. Light travels, as we all know, at 186,- 000 miles a second. From those stars so far away, the light traveled through the years to get to the earth, even coming at this great rate of the Most High God who is posses­ sor of heaven and earth. Genesis 14: 19-22 gives us a beautiful p ic tu r e of His greatness. There are so many things which are a Dr. Mitchell

of speed. Now, far on above that is the top of God, and here on this earth are His feet. A man eight foot tall is a giant to us. God’s head, however, is far above the last star and His feet are here on earth. This is His footstool. CHILD EVANGELISM O tremble for the future of our land If these our children go a godless way, Untaught in Word and law of God; and yet Their hands will rule this common­ wealth some day. O tremble for the grief in parents' hearts When they must surely reap what they have sown; When their indifferent neglect shall bear A bitter fruit which they must eat alone. O tremble, tremble, for their tragic fate: Children grown old in sin, who leave this earth, And through dark eons, in their hearts shall find But bitterness for those who gave them birth. O tremble, thinking of the Judgment Seat Of Christ, when He will ask that solemn day, "And did you feed M y lambs?" O Christian think What will there be for you and me to say? — Martha Snell Nicholson Nahum tells us that the clouds are the dust of His feet. God is con­ scious of our feelings and of every­ thing* that happens on this “foot­ stool.” A man can hold a few coins in his hand; he can put a few more in the 9

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