Reddy Care: Walk Again Without Pain

THE SOLO-STEP: Is a 100% Fall Proof Overhead Track and Harness System - designed to prevent patients from falling while also aiding and encouraging their balance. THE ALTER G ANTI-GRAVITY TREADMILL: Can reduce your body weight to as little as 20%! This technology supports walking and running biomechanics, helping you to achieve your goals and improve your daily functions. (in our Great Neck clinic) THE NORMATEC: Inflated pants suit which allows our patients to increase circulation, speed lactate clearance, relieve muscle soreness and increase mobility. TECHNOBODY VR TREADMILL (PICTURED LEFT): Patients are immersed in a virtual environment that provides feedback in real time with the help from 3-D cameras. Patients are notified about their walking pattern, range of motion, stride length, knee and hip flexion, and weight symmetry. TECHNOBODY VR BALANCE MACHINE (PICTURED LEFT): Patients are able to receive dynamic and static balance board training, and assessments of single double leg movements. AQUATIC THERAPY: Coming SOON in our NEW Bayside clinic. Exercising in water can help reduce fatigue and pressure on joints, soothe aches, and help with balance. CLASS IV LIGHTFORCE LASER (DEEP TISSUE LASER THERAPY): Effectively treats pain and inflammation. Drug-Free, pain-free and can relieve pain associated with sciatica, arthritis, bursitis, disc injury, TMJ, migraines and much more. REDDY CARE HAS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY TO GET YOU BACK ON YOUR FEET !


REDDY CARE IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE EXPANDED, AGAIN! We have acquired Greenhaus Physical Therapy, Fitness, and Wel lness Center ! Shar ing a big welcome to Mona Rajpal , PT, and her staff to the Reddy Care fami ly!

CONTACT I NFORMAT I ON: 150 Woodbur y Road Woodbur y NY 11797

P: 516 . 367 . 1111 F : 516 . 367 . 3701


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