7 Steps to Recruiting Your Youth Ministry Dream Team (Final…

Do you wonder where the passion, energy, and drive you had for youth ministry has gone? You are not alone. In over 30 years of serving with youth ministry enthusiasts, I have seen frustration pummel youth workers. Apathy among students, absence of parental involvement, and a lack of leaders and leadership commitment can take a toll. We recently conducted a survey of youth workers and found that more than 42% related their greatest challenge to:

Finding and utilizing volunteers

Committed adult volunteer leadership

A need for more volunteers

Recruiting volunteers

Can you relate to any of these challenges? Recruiting leaders has been and will always be a challenge that every ministry must overcome. But there are churches that HAVE overcome. They recruit effectively and keep a team of committed youth ministry volunteers. The plan laid out in this article has been used for decades with great success. There is no magic! It is a proven process that you can implement. Now, before we get into formulating your plan, we first need to delve into why you need to build your dream team. Don’t skip this! it is important that your thinking is clear on this. If you do not have conviction as to why you need to build your ministry leadership dream team, it is highly unlikely this plan will help you. Why do you need a dream team? Maybe you have already concluded that you are only as good as your team, as you find yourself heading quickly towards the cliff of burnout. To have a quality ministry and reach a bunch of students with the gospel, the math is simple. Your ability to recruit, train, deploy and retain leaders always determines the lid of your ministry. Think about your ministry with what John Maxwell calls “The Law of Explosive Growth.”


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