We Accept & Provide Donated Assistive Devices!
Do you need or have crutches, a walker, a cane, or other assistive devices? Did you know we will loan these items to our patients as well as take your donations for our loaner program? We know many of our patients have devices they no longer need after their recovery, and we’re happy to accept them as donations to loan to other patients as needed. If we cannot use your item, we also have a network of facilities who may be able to use them as well. If you would like to donate or need a loan, please let the front office staff know and we’ll be happy to work with you on the process. #togetherwegetbetter
I travel and speak for my business, and I am often on stage for several hoursata time. Ineedflexibility,strength,andstamina.Thepainradiating from my lower back impeded my health and my work. I tried an orthopedist, and chiropractor, and even injections. Nothing worked. When I visited Physical Therapy ofMelissa I foundmyanswer.Nat,Pam,and theentirestaffhelpedmestop limping and hurting. In a matter of weeks, they helped me heal and feel like my old self. I can’t thank them enough for the “tough love,” the fun, and the therapy that actually worked!! I am now pain free and fully mobile. Thanks, PT of Melissa!” - Debbie S. @ptofmelissa
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Exercise Essentials
Enjoy this Special Offer!
Do You Suffer From Back Pain?
Exercise To Relieve Back Pain
We can help!
Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE BACK PAIN SCREENING
Supported Bridge Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by the fingertips. Inhale and lift the hips, place a block under the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 6-10 times.
If you have back pain, please give us a call and schedule a free screening so we can get you going!
Call Today! (972) 837-4450
Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Offer expires 8-31-19
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