

Count the blessings

of shrinkage

In the 1970s and 1980s, many young


people from eastern Ontario and western

figures? And will you hang around and

Québec could hardly wait to pile into a

turn off all the lights after everyone else has

jalopy and make a fortune in the oil patch.

gone west?

Hard work, good pay, good times. Summer

Just in case you do not have a

and Christmas were occasions to return

photographic memory, the numbers

home and show off the fancy new cars with

released by Statistics Canada lately

the Alberta plates.

confirm what most of us have suspected

Studies show that the average American

for some time. The east end of Prescott-

will move 14 times in a lifetime while the

Russell is experiencing shrinkage while

average Canadian will relocate ten times

the west end continues to grow.

before finally coming to rest.

The population of Prescott-Russell rose

On the other hand, for a high percentage

from 80,184 to 85,381 between 2006 and

of people, “move” is a four-letter word.

2011. Most of the growth took place in

Photo Gregg Chamberlain

You must admire those who have lived

Russell County while the populations of

in the same place all their lives and can

Working side-by-side in competition with and also assisting each other, Chefs

Prescott County municipalities dropped.

smugly declare that where they live is the

Vincent Croteau (left) and Camil Roy prepare to plate several of their culinary

Poor Hawkesbury — its population,

best place in theworld, ever. The other guy’s

which has been hovering at the 10,000


grass is never greener.

mark for decades, dipped from 10,869 to

Yet for a huge portion of the population,


A succulent challenge

mobility is not a choice.

Interestingly, in Argenteuil, where the

Schools, jobs, a referendum on Québec

population went from 29,992 to 32,117, the

but the two factors involved is that La

independence, love, witness protection

population of the village of Grenville rose

Binerie has a large enough kitchen facility

programs – there are many reasons why


from 1,398 to 1,577, and the number of

to accommodate such an event and the

people tear up roots.

people living in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge

Eastern Ontario locale provides neutral

One of the many benefits of being young

went from 2,721 to 2,746. This comes as no

Chef Christophe Caillaud will be

grounds close at hand for all the

is that moving is relatively simple. You

surprise because everyone knows that one

Québec’s champion at this year’s national

participating chefs.


of the best things about Hawkesbury is the

Défi des Chefs competition in Halifax,

“And, for me, representing the Eastern

commitments, and not much “baggage” to

bridge to Québec.

Nova Scotia. Chef Caillaud was the

Ontario region, it’s also nice to the event

worry about.

But charming Montebello saws its

premier choice of half-a-dozen

come this way,” Chef Lepage said. “We get

One of the many challenges facing small

population decline a tad, from 987 to 978.

competitors who made their way across

to show off too, and it’s nice to see the

communities is the brain drain that is almost

OK, who wants to start the collective

the Ottawa River to star in the Third

support we get from the community.”

impossible to stem. Most young people who


Annual Défi des Chefs at Plantagenet.

leave small towns to pursue a higher

Despite the numbers, it would be

“It was a full success,” said Chef Jacques

education rarely return.

premature to put up “Ghost Town” labels

Lepage of La Binerie/La Cuisine Jean-

Job Fair

A vibrant economy is vital to the long-

on the east end of the Far East.


term vitality of any place.

For starters, we cannot become

site for the event.

The economy here has gone south in the

pessimistic, because negative vibes are

“We had high-quality chefs and it was

past, and obviously, ghost towns have not

contagious and they hinder economic


just fantastic,” Chef Lepage said. “When

been popping up everywhere, although a

development. Plus, figures cannot gauge

wecompareyearafteryear,we’re justgoing

ghost town would make a good tourist

intangibles, such as quality of life.

higher. It’s already agreed that we’re going


Carl Hungerbuehler will be among the

Let us try to be positive about the fact

to do it again next year.”

In the 1980s, the closure of the Canadian

many employers taking part in the first job

that there are fewer people living around

Caillaud, chef at the Holiday Inn in

International Paper mill in Hawkesbury

fair to be held in Prescott County.


Longueil, was one of three veteran

sent shock waves through the region. But

“In our field, we are experiencing a



the town’s population remained stable.

scarceness of skilled personnel,” says the

there ought to be more space for the rest of


Amoco later left and over the last few years,

president of Elpa, a L’Orignal-based


over the Feb. 18 weekend for another go at

biggies such as the Duplate windshield

specialized machine shop. “The

There will be less traffic. The air will be

becoming Québec’s representative at the

factory have been shuttered. When you look

Employment Services Centre has helped us

cleaner, the roads will be safer, the water

national event were Chef Stéphane Paquet

at the number of huge empty industrial

in our search. They also put us in touch

will be clearer, the rain will fall only at

from Gatineau-Hull and Chef Sébastien

facilities, it is awonder the town did not lose

with other organizations that can help us

night. Therewill be less garbage to process;

Gadeau of Montréal’s St-Thomas Club.

more than 318 people in a five-year period.

fill our short-term and long-term needs.”

we will find less garbage illegally dumped

Challenging them were newcomers Chef

Yes, there is activity in the “industrial

The centre is organizing the job fair that

in country ditches. There will be fewer


park,” but most of the development is

will be held March 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Hawkesburgers to complain about

Chef Hugo Drouin from the Museum of


at La Cité Golf Club, 850 McGill St.,


Civilization in Hull, and Camil Roy of the

Wring those hands about the future of

Hawkesbury. It is a unique event in the

It will be easier to get a good spot at a

Chateau Roland near Sherbrooke.

the Far East, people.

region, bringing together job seekers and

parade, and line-ups everywhere will be

For three hours the six chopped, diced,

New stores are all very good.

local employers looking to hire. This is the



But locals will not be able to spend more

idealopportunityfor jobseekerstonetwork,

Hawkesbury would have a ready

the admiring eyes of more than 50 walk-in

at these new stores if their incomes do not

stand out, and get the job they are dreaming

excuse for everything. A request for any

spectators through the kitchen area of La

increase, and the people who are

of. So far, the community has shown a lot of

improvement could be quickly dismissed

Binerie. Many of these lovers of fine food


interest in the fair with many employers

by pointing that the town simply no longer

came from all over Eastern Ontario and

more lucrative jobs.


has the critical mass to do any better.

Western Québec to watch these chefs vie

However, let us not go all doom and

Huneault Pilon, Job Developer at the

Hawkesburgers would be even cooler

for the honour of going on to the nationals.

gloom over a few population figures.

Employment Services Centre, says spaces

than they are now because there would be

They also got to sample some of the results

It is probably too early to ask who will be

are almost all reserved. Among others, the

fewer of them. “You live in Hawkesbury?

of each chef’s efforts, a hint of what would

the last one to leave, and who will turn the

following organizations will be present:

You’re kidding! That is so cool! I didn’t

star in a five-course banquet later that

lights off.

Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company, the

know anybody lived there anymore!”

evening at the Plantagenet Municipal Hall

Prescott-Russell United Counties, Dart

Of course, population shifts are all part

for 120 ticket-holding diners.

Bowling For Seniors

Aerospace, Elpa, Green Beaver, Groupe

of the evolution of a community, a nation

The one condition for the Saturday

Here is something that might be right up

Convex, Montebello Packaging, Propane

and a continent.

competition is that each chef has to work

your alley : An invitation to join the Joyeux

Levac, Studio de Lettrage 2001, Tulmar

Over the years, although the economic

with local ingredients. La Binerie provided

quilleurs, for bowlers 60 years of age and

Safety, and Valoris for Children and Adults

engines of North America have

chicken and pork loin, and produce from

over, every Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the

of Prescott-Russell. The job offers are just as

traditionally been centred in the east, the

its suppliers throughout the Prescott-

Hawkesbury lanes. Call 613-675-2903 if

varied, includingmechanics, welders, truck

raw materials of the west have drawn

Russell region along with a selection of red

you want to give it a roll.

drivers and labourers, as well as openings

masses, stirred bywanderlust and the need

and white wines from area vintners.

Volunteers Needed

in administration, information technology,

for money and adventure.

La Binerie has been the site for la Défi

The Hawkesbury Meals On Wheels

social services and health care. In addition

“Go west!” It may refer to a trek to

des Chefs for Québec for three years now.

program seeks two volunteers to deliver

to employers looking to hire, several

California, the Klondike, Calgary, or

Chef Lepage agreed that it seems a bit

meals to elderly, handicapped and

organizations are contributing to the fair by

Kanata. But, regardless of the destination,

unusual for a village in Eastern Ontario to

convalescing people between 11:30 a.m.

sponsoring the project. For more

a move is always a rush.

be the site for the competition that selects

and 12:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Call 613-

information, visit No

Have you ever joined a modern-day

Québec’s champion for the national event

632-0939 for more information.

registration is required for job seekers.


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