The Violet Connection 9

NO. 9

A Note From Pastor Eric

Hello, Violet Baptist Church Family!

As we continue on our mission to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples, it is crucial for us to remember the importance of reaching out to our community. The call to share the good news of salvation is not just a suggestion but a command given to us as believers. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus instructs us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Great Commission is not limited to a select few; it is a responsibility that falls on each and every one of us who call ourselves followers of Christ. Our community is filled with individuals who are searching for hope, love, and purpose. They may be our neighbors, colleagues, friends, or even strangers we encounter throughout our day. Reaching our community for Jesus is not just a one-time event or a seasonal outreach event; it is a continuous journey of building relationships, showing love, and offering support to those in need. By being intentional in our interactions and demonstrating the love of Christ through our words and actions, we have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of those around us. Through our various ministries, outreach programs, and community events, we have the platform and resources to reach out to individuals who are longing for a personal relationship with Jesus. Whether it is through a friendly conversation, a helping hand, or an invitation to church, every small gesture can plant a seed of faith that has the potential to grow into a life-transforming encounter with Christ. Each one of us has the opportunity today to be the light to someone in a world that is so desperately in need of a Savior. I pray that we would all commit ourselves to reaching our community for Jesus with urgency and compassion.

In Christ alone, Pastor Eric

A Note From Pastor Brian Acts 2:46 says, “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,” As we ‘gather in the temple courts and meet house to house’, let us remember the importance of being part of a smaller community within the church. Throughout the Rooted sermon series, we are reminded of the significance of fellowship with fellow believers, as highlighted in God's Word. Our VioletGroup leaders play a crucial role in supporting and nurturing others in their spiritual journey. I am grateful for their dedication and encouragement.

Are you currently part of a group?

Please join one and experience the blessings of community.

Interested in Joining or Hosting a VioletGroup? Scan the QR code below.

Samaritan’s Purse collects shoebox gifts filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for children around the world. Since 1993, more than 220 million children in more than 170 countries and territories have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. The project delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is their first gift ever, but also gives them a tangible expression of God’s love.

Please join with us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations!

Violet Baptist Church will once again partner with Samaritan’s Purse for Operation Christmas Child! Shoeboxes will be available in the church lobby from October 27-November 10 and will need to be packed and returned to the church by November 24th. You can also build a shoebox online using Violet’s link: Build A Shoebox Online - Violet Baptist Church.

Hi ladies! It’s almost fall, y’all! But it still feels like the dog days of summer - my grass is crunchy - it’s SO dry!

There are several wonderful opportunities in October to get together with your girls at Violet!

October 6: Ladies Luncheon in the VioletCafé, right after 2nd service. Cozy time for conversation and connection with the girls! Soup, sandwiches, warm apple cider, coffee, tea, and dessert are provided! Please register on Church Center so we can plan accordingly for food. If you’re following along in The Resolution for Women book, we’re almost through Resolution 9 - we’ll share how those resolutions have been impacting you! BUT, if you’re not following along or you’re like me and need to catch up ALOT, no worries! You can easily slide into the conversations and might hear something from another sister that will speak to your heart! October 19th: Walk, Talk, Pray in Hocking Hills! This is our 3rd annual walk along the upper rim of Old Man’s Cave over to Rose Lake and back. This is a relatively easy walk with one challenging hill just before we get to the lake! Pack your lunch and bring plenty of water! After the walk, we’ll grab a picnic table, have lunch and just take some time to chat it up with each other and pray together before we head back home. We will meet in the church parking lot at 8am (Administration Side) to carpool down together! October 25-26: Join us at Violet Baptist Church for the Living Proof Live with Beth Moore Simulcast Event! We will be showing the Beth Moore event at the church on Friday, October 25th from 8pm to 10pm and Saturday, October 26th from 9:30am to 1pm. Refreshments will be provided each day, including coffee, tea, and ice water, and on Saturday morning, we will also provide donuts and pastries. There will be a 1-hour lunch break on Saturday, during which time ladies can either bring a packed lunch to dine at the church or choose to eat at a nearby restaurant. Tickets for the event are $10 each.

You can sign up for ALL of the events through church center!

If you are able to help serve at any of these events, please let me know.

We love you - we are not meant to do this life alone - we need each other! We hope you’ll come out and join us at some or all of the October events and get connected with other ladies at Violet who are eager to pray for you, come alongside you in your journey, and encourage you!

Love, Karen Bramlish

Women’s Ministry at Violet

Click on the photos to register for these events.

H.O.P.E. at Violet began September 6th! H.O.P.E., which stands for Hands Out Providing Encouragement, supports local school students through the Weekend Food Program. H.O.P.E. at Violet delivers bags of food every Friday to all 14 Pickerington school for students of families who have signed up for this assistance. The food bags consist of ready-to-eat, non-perishable, healthy options that do not require cooking or much prep in order for safety for the children and are bagged with Safe Food Handling Regulations. There are three ways to help: Donate needed food items, assemble bags on Friday mornings and/or be a delivery driver. From local events to packaging nourishing meals for the weekly Weekend Food Program to donating food, there’s a place for you in the H.O.P.E. Ministry. We currently have a need for the items photographed as well as small jars of peanut butter and boxes of macaroni and cheese.

A Note from Pastor Keith

Why So Many Youth Events?

Have you ever thought to yourself “Self, why does the Overflow Youth Ministry do so many events?” Well, I am glad you asked! In my nearly 30 years of youth ministry, I have discovered that life-changing moments for students tend to come when they get out of their routine. These events create an opportunity for an experience that can be a catalyst to prompt students (and adults) to take the next step in their walk with Jesus. I have had many former students tell me “It was on the retreat in 7th grade when I made my faith my own,” or “At camp my Junior year I made the decision to forgive ________.” Others have said “It was during our mission trip that I felt called to full-time ministry.” Events like these provide an opportunity for our students to encounter Christ in a new and deeper way. As each new class moves into Overflow Youth, we go over the fact that not all events are created equal! There are 3 distinct types of youth events that each fulfill a unique purpose.


Fun Events – We believe that it is okay for Christians to have fun! In fact, Christians should be leading the way in fun because our type of fun does not lead to regret! We will do some events (bowling, swimming, amusement parks, horseback riding, etc....) just because they are fun!

Explore Events- These events involve doing something fun and exploring the truth of God’s Word together. This happens on Sunday mornings for Jr. High and on Sunday evenings for High School. It also takes place at camp, retreats, small groups, etc.... 2. Digging Deeper Events- This level of event gives students the opportunity to dig a little deeper by using their gifts to serve others. This involves Super Summer (our student leadership program), serving on the Youth Worship Team, being a Jr. High Youth Leader, working in the A/V booth, leading a small group, serving in Violet Kids, etc.... 3. These events serve dual purposes. They provide opportunities for our students to take the next steps in their faith (discipleship). They also serve as tools that our students can use to reach their friends (evangelism). It has been incredible to see God use our events to achieve both purposes. Please pray that God encounters our students through the events that we have planned for the Fall.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thanks, Pastor Keith Youth Pastor

During the month of September, VioletKids learned that God knows every detail about who they are, making them fully known by God! Our memory verse was 1 John 3:20b, which says, “God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things.” We kicked off opening night for Olympians and Gopher Buddies with 34 children in attendance! We played fun games, got to know one another better, and discussed what we will be doing together this year. We love Sunday nights, and we would love to have your kids join us also! VioletKids participated in our first “serving Sunday” activity this month! The kindergarten-5th graders wrote letters of encouragement to families in our community that receive the food bags from the H.O.P.E. Ministry at Violet. This was a great opportunity for them to partner with a ministry in their church and “do their part” to encourage others. It was a fun Sunday!

1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” My heart for all the children that come through VioletKids is that they would take this piece of scripture and store it in their hearts, believing that they are never too young to exhibit their faith in God. Kids can serve in their church, kids can participate authentically in worship, kids can set an example in their conduct and their speech. May we be a church body that looks for ways to encourage the young and help them on their own faith journey with the Lord. One way we are doing this is through our “serving Sundays,” which will take place during the months that have a 5th Sunday. This year we have several fun and engaging serving projects planned for VioletKids who are in kindergarten-5th grade. Our next serving Sunday will be the 5th Sunday in January. If you have a desire to be a part of these special events on Sunday mornings, we would love to have you! Please reach out to me via email for more details at

-Chelsea Poole, Children’s Director

Events & Volunteers

Hello Violet Family,

September has been a busy month here at Violet; you have probably noticed that we have a lot going on! We love to host our community with various events and activities throughout the week. The start of fall means one of our biggest outreaches to the community is coming up in a few weeks. Trunk or Treat is on Thursday, October 17th from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm. We will need your help from grillers and parking lot attendants to game hosts and craft helpers, as well as trunks filled with candy! There are so many ways for you to serve at this event, so please sign up today.

As always, if you’re looking to get involved and serve, I would love to connect with you!

If you have any questions or need help finding where to serve at Violet, feel free to reach out.

Thank you, Jamie McCleese

Event & Volunteer Director

Click for more information!

Click to sign up to volunteer!

Marketing & Communications

We’d love to hear from you. Has your VioletGroup recently come together to serve the Lord? Tell us about it. What’s happening in the ministry where you serve? We’d love to hear about it. You can email with your stories and photos.

Dear Violet Family,

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the world at large. It provides a platform for us to share our thoughts, experiences, and moments of inspiration with others. One such source of inspiration is Pastor Rick's messages and teachings based on God's Word. Pastor Rick’s messages often contain powerful insights, encouragement, and wisdom drawn from the Scriptures. These messages can uplift spirits, provide comfort, and offer guidance in times of need. By sharing the posts of Pastor Rick’s messages on social media, we have the opportunity to spread positivity and share the joy of God’s Word with our loved ones. Sharing these posts on social media allows us to include our friends and family in the important events and teachings happening in our lives. It enables us to create a sense of community and unity among our social circles, fostering a supportive and encouraging environment where we can all grow in faith together. Furthermore, sharing uplifting content from Pastor Rick's messages can have a ripple effect, reaching beyond our immediate circle of friends and family to touch the lives of others who may come across the posts. In a world filled with negativity and division, sharing messages of hope, love, and faith can make a significant impact on those who need it most. Social media provides a powerful platform for sharing the transformative power of God's Word with a wider audience. By sharing posts on social media, we have the opportunity to be a source of light and inspiration for others, helping them find solace, inspiration, and guidance in their own spiritual journey. Sharing posts on social media from Pastor Rick's messages is not just about spreading information but about spreading love and hope. By sharing uplifting content, we can enrich the lives of those around us, build a sense of community, and play a part in spreading the message of God's love to the world. Let us harness the power of social media to share positivity and uplift others with the timeless wisdom of God's Word.

Rachel Stone Marketing & Communications Director



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