King's Business - 1915-09



lived near her, went and prayed with her. The next day, when Mrs. Nowack arrived, many people gathered to hear the Gospel. On every side of us are hundreds of vil­ lages just waiting for someone. “We went to the western suburb with Mr. Nowack and the children to see where they lived two years,I when they first came to China. Their house had three rooms and the front door had glass in it, and from 6 in the morning until dark, people came and looked in the doors and the windows to watch them, as-they were the first foreign­ ers to live there. The people had never be­ fore seen anyone wash floors or cook on a stove. “Mrs. Wang, who has gone to one of our out-stations, came in today, as her husband’s father is very sick. She has started a day school for the girls and I have been so in- ■ terested in them. One very bright girl had to be engaged to be married just a few days ago, as her people were so poor. They got two dollars in gold for her and she was just seventeen years old. Oh, how my heart ached for her as I heard she did not want to be married, but wanted to study and go to school. They are human, just like we are and, when they taste something different, do not care to go back to their old life of slavery. Pray for these girls that they may be put through school. About fifteen dol­ lars a year would put a girl through school. I am sure there are many Christian girls who would like to have a Chinese girl for herself, support her, and pray for her daily, and in that way bring much glory to Jesus.” ------ ❖------ Mme. Curie, the famous woman scientist, has installed at her own expense a radio- graphic apparatus for the wounded at Pan­ tin Hospital, near Paris. By means of this apparatus, bullets and shell splinters and fractures can instantly be located, a power­ ful aid to the saving of life. The Scrip­ tures also are radiographic, searching joints and marrow, thoughts and intents of the heart.”—Heb. 4:12.

company and their faces beamed forth the joy that was in their hearts, it means a whole lot to these people to confess Christ, coming out of a lifetime of heathenism. Taking this step means sure persecution for them. Some of the women were telling how they had to climb over fences to go to the meetings, for their family had forbidden them to come; so they had to steal away. Gne woman who was baptized was past eighty-two years and walked fifteen miles to get here; that is saying much for a woman, as at best it is hard and painful for them to walk with their thin, little, bound feet, and the roads are rough and bad. “The six students graduated this after­ noon, each one spoke fifteen minutes on topics Mr. Nowack gave them. They all did well. After the graduation they came to our house for dinner and after- the en­ tertainment and prayer, the boys departed. They told Mr. Nowack later, it seemed like a little bit of heaven to them. If you could see their homes, you would understand what a treat it was for them to visit our home. “The Lord has been wonderfully good to me these eight months of studying without any ‘let-ups’ and has kept me well and strong and I do praise Him for all the bene­ fits with which He has daily loaded me.” A DAY’S ROUTINE. From the same mission in China Miss. Martha Pohnert also writes entertainingly: “We have just changed .cooks and have started to have only two meals a day, that’s all most of us eat anyway. In this way we have more time for study. From 7 a. m. to 8 :30 a. m., study; 8 :30 to 9 :30 a. m., chapel service; 9:30 to 11 a. m., breakfast and fam­ ily worship; 11 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., study and teaching; 4:30, dinner, and then after that we go for a walk. “Yesterday Mrs. N'owack and several Bible women took an oxcart and went across the river. Word had come the- day before that a woman was very sick and wanted Mrs. Nowack to come and pray with her. She couldn’t go that day, as she had a meeting for women, so a humble believer, one of the first members of our church that

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