King's Business - 1915-09

THE KING’S BUSINESS | m - ■ ' — H I Vol 6 SEPTEMBER, 1915 No. 9 m " 1 — i i


An enormous number of letters, some complimentary, some critical, some even bitter and venomous, are pour- mg in upon us. We wish that we had time to answer them all, but it is impossible. Nor can we print them



in this magazine, as well worthy of publication as many of them are. They would take up our entire space, and some of them would give rise to endless and profitless discussion and debate. So we simply acknowledge them in this way, thanking our friends not merely for the hearty compliments, but for the criticisms as well. As.a rule we get more help from the criticisms than from the compliments.

Many of dim subscribers livé across the ocean, and we have received some complaints that the magazine did not reach them until one or two Sundays had passed. Thus one or two of the Sunday School Lessons were out of date,'' and several of the devotional studies behind'

This Magazine a Month in Advance

time. We; therefore published the, August number on the first of July. The September number will be out August 1, and hereafter the magazine will continue to be published a full month in advance, so that it will reach our remotest Subscriber in due time for the -first iessoii to be available when needed.

An esteemed layman from an Eastern city was telling us how some students from a well-known theolog- ical seminary had told him that some of their teachers denied the Deity of the Lord Jesus and other funda­

The Subtility of the Devil

mental truths. He asked them which teachers, and they named one after another. Then he said, “they told me one of the professors said to the class, ‘Now, boys, you mustn’t tell all this to the people all at once; they wouldn’t stand it. Give them a little from time to time as they will stand it.’ ” We exclaimed, “that is devilish.” “That is just what Blank said when I told him,” the layman replied. And it is dpvilish. , How. long will people who really believe the Bible and accept its great fundamental doctrines^ continue to support institutions when faith in the Bible and the Christ of the Bible is being undermined? How long will they consent to the ordination of men to the ministry, who enter the ministry to undermine rather than foster the faith of the young ? .... .

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